MindBar is a one of a kind event for women who want more to life than going out on the weekends, drinking, and feeling hungover the next day. Discover what NY Times and CNN are calling the ultimate wellness lifestyle, the alcohol-free life. Because socializing, making new connections, and having a good time do not need to come with a side effects of hangovers and regrets.
Join us for an evening of mocktails and other new popular nonalcoholic drinks, a workshop on HOW TO SOCIALIZE SOBER AND FIND YOUR TRIBE and end with a mindful intention setting meditation.
Get tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindbar-an-alcohol-free-experience-tickets-63901665602?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Tickets cover the workshop, zero-proof cocktails, and meditation session.
Sponsored by Euphoric Alcohol-Free