Episode 250: "It's Too Late" Is a BS Story You're Telling Yourself with Rebecca Guevara-Wingler


Have you ever wanted to go after something but your ego told you it was too late?

Well, that ego of yours was wrong. It is never too late, and you’re never too old! That is just a BS story you’ve been telling yourself, and today’s guest, Rebecca Guevara-Wingler, stands as proof that you have permission. 

After a long corporate career, Rebecca became an artist in her 50s. In her 60s, she became a healing facilitator and coach. Now, she leads retreats around the world, helping people experience healing and spiritual depth through the lens of art. 

And the best part? Becoming alcohol-free was the secret ingredient that opened the floodgates to her truest self.

We’re so creative when we’re children, dabbling in beautiful creative expressions – only to zip it up in adulthood. Like lots of people, Rebecca’s art fell to the wayside while raising and providing for her family. Tapping back into her creative self unlocked parts of her she didn’t even know existed.

In this episode, Rebecca shares profound insights on overcoming self-imposed limitations, debunking myths like alcohol-fueled creativity, and finding inspiration in spirituality and nature.


  • Rebecca’s breakthrough to artistry in her 50s – emphasizing that it’s never too late to shift from your corporate career and follow your dreams

  • Why alcohol blocks creativity and spiritual connection, contrary to the romanticized notion of the “suffering artist”

  • Tapping into true self-expression using Rebecca’s transformative "Color Language of the Soul" techniques to unleash emotions and connect with your essence

Regecca’s retreat sneak peek: a transformative, substance-free retreat with art, yoga, cultural immersion, and self-expression in Guatemala


What limiting beliefs have you internalized about your age or abilities? How have these beliefs stopped you from pursuing new passions or changes in your lifestyle?

“You don't need to have the perfect studio. You don't need to have all the perfect paint brushes, paper. Whatever you have at home, even if it's your kids’ stuff, just start playing. Get it out, start watching paint flow. Just see what happens. Just allow. If you've never done it, and you're very intimidated, then, yeah, join a workshop or get some friends together and see what you can do. But my advice is go for it.” - Rebecca Guevara-Wingler

“We never stop evolving. We never stop transforming and learning. And so you learn that these gifts that you have, when you share them, they become amplified. And it just is this beautiful ripple of a frequency that not only passes through me, but then through others, and then they pass it on through others. And so there it goes. It's really beautiful.” - Rebecca Guevara-Wingler


Follow Rebecca on Instagram, visit her website, and learn about her upcoming retreat in Guatemala

Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey. 

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