Ep 158: Should You Become a Coach? With Euphoric Head Coach Amy Guldner


Have you ever made a bold life change, only to have a lingering question of “what now”?

Amy Guldner is the Head Coach at Euphoric, and today she’s getting raw, vulnerable, and open with Karolina about her alcohol-free journey and how it inspired her to reassess her life to help others. Empowering others to transform the role alcohol plays in their lives, Amy shares about her struggles with shame and challenging her inner critic, while offering her insight, wisdom and perspective.

You’ll also hear all the details of Karolina’s brand new Coaching Certification, The Empowered AF Coach, which launches this Spring 2023. Sign up for the waitlist today and get certified in four different modalities: Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP Coaching. Plus, you’ll get a weekend retreat and 4 months of business training and masterminding so you can attract new clients and scale to six figures.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today


  • Did you know Iowa is rated the 2nd state in the country for excessive drinking? Amy  shares how drinking became a part of her identity, from blackouts and horrific hangovers in college, to later seeing red wine as a “magical elixir.”

  • Amy’s self-improvement mission to ditch alcohol and the endless and unsuccessful cycle of wash, rinse, repeat to moderate.

  • How Amy went from 30 years of drinking to 30 months alcohol-free by simply changing her mindset.

  • How being a mother inspired Amy to take steps toward her inner calling. In fact, her own mother’s advice helped her overcome a multitude of limiting beliefs and self doubt!

  • How to gain clarity into whether being a coach is right for you, the important questions to ask yourself, and how to combat that pesky inner skeptic.

  • The behind the scenes details of Euphoric’s new coaching certification program.

  • Curious about Karolina’s Bali retreat this May? Amy shares her experience participating in one of these incredible retreats and the powerful impact it had on her!


Just for a second, consider the possibility: if you hold back from what that deep inner voice is calling you to do, you are actually stealing from the people you are meant to help. This may sound harsh, but so often our inner critic tells us we aren’t good enough or can’t make an impact, when we are ultimately denying others what we alone can offer them.

When in your life have you listened to that inner nudge? What happened? If you’ve ever felt an intuitive call toward something and ignored it, what was the result?

Is there a voice inside of you intrigued by the idea of supporting others in their transformational journey? What keeps you from taking those steps?

“I started a five year journey with attempts to moderate and get control. I tried all the rules: only two drinks per night, no drinking on weeknights, no drinking after 10pm, don't take wine upstairs to the bedroom, you know, whatever. Nothing ever stuck. And it was so frustrating because I was super disciplined in all other areas of my life, but I just couldn't seem to moderate the drinking.” Amy Guldner

“I knew it was time for me to walk the walk. I knew I might not ever make money from coaching. I might fall flat on my face. But my life would be better for trying and I would inspire my kids to take risks.” Amy Guldner


To work with Amy or take part in one of the many alcohol-free programs offered through Euphoric AF, be sure to check out our website

If you’re interested in our incredible new program, The Empowered AF Coach certification, sign up for our waitlist today. 

Join us on our next alcohol-free women’s retreat in Bali on May 14-21, 2023 and build an empowered vision in one of the most beautiful spots in the world! Space is limited. Learn more and claim your spot today

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

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Karolina Rzadkowolska