Ep 181: Dial in Your Nutrition and Fitness with Bela Castro


Today, Karolina talks with Bela Castro, a holistic health coach and a former professional tennis player. For Bela, alcohol was always a challenge. Her parents drank as an escape mechanism, and it wasn’t until she stopped drinking herself that she was able to feel better and glow from within.

In this episode, Bela offers the lowdown on eating nutritious, whole foods, the magic of “brown fats”, minimizing sugar, incorporating a fitness routine into a busy lifestyle, as well as what alcohol actually does to our bodies. Bela also breaks down what she eats in a day, from adding flaxseed milk to her oats, to her nighttime tea ritual to relax and unwind.

There are so many inspiring lifestyle hacks and takeaways in this episode.


  • The psychology of food and alcohol addiction and mindset practices to make intentions around food better and easier

  • Looking at things that help nourish us (amino acids, fatty acids, healthy carbs, etc.) and the thing that cause inflammation in our bodies (alcohol, sugar, wheat)

  • Companies that are providing alternatives to the products we’re trying to reduce consumption of – for example, non-alcoholic drinks

  • The importance of taking things one step at a time and listening to your own body and its needs in terms of diet

  • Tricks to incorporate fitness into your busy life, from developing a morning routine to balancing strength training, cardio, and mobility


Do you enjoy healthy “alternatives” to foods or drinks that aren’t good for you? For example, homemade potato wedges instead of French fries?

“We have to analyze from a critical thinking perspective how marketing companies and other tools have been encouraging us to make those choices because it's convenient for them. Because they know that once we start purchasing those products, it becomes an addiction. And the more addictive it is, the more we're going to purchase them. So we’ve got to get courageous enough to challenge our minds to take a step back. And to work on reversing that psychology.” - Bela Castro

“I highly encourage everybody to adopt the morning routine, because the first hour of the day is the time that you have the most control over your life. That is especially true if you are an entrepreneur or if you are a business owner, or you have a lot of responsibilities – life might take you places that you will not necessarily expect or want. So if you have full control of the first hour of your day, make sure you get your workout in.” - Bela Castro


Ready to do alcohol differently? Dry Bootcamp is back on August 1st. Join Karolina for a 22-day life-changing, immersive community experience! Take a break from alcohol and discover how to take care of your emotional needs in a luxurious, beautiful, and healthy way. There will be group coaching calls, mocktail happy hours, unique guides, and instructions on how to train your brain to adopt rituals that are good for you! Enroll here for $159. 

Check out Bela on her website and learn about her mastermind, health programs and more.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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