Episode 236: Why You’re Nervous To Tell People You’re Alcohol-Free and 4 Ways to Proudly Tell Them


What happens when you want to start sharing about the benefits of alcohol-free living or start a career in the alcohol-free movement, but you’re worried about professional or personal judgment when you “come out?”

Will people assume things about you? Make up stories about you?

In this episode, Karolina is tackling those fears head-on and sharing four powerful ways to proudly step into your power and become the influential leader you were always destined to be.

Hear about the one figure who almost stopped Karolina from starting her career in the alcohol-free movement and how to believe that being alcohol-free is a competitive edge (and professional advantage). 

Everybody drinks, and if we’re being accurate, everybody drinks a little too much. It’s only the leaders that decide to embark on an alcohol-free lifestyle.

This episode is a motivating, juicy pep talk that will inspire you to confidently declare your alcohol-free status and embrace your greater purpose as a leader.

P.S. If you’re ready to take a bigger, bolder leap, Karolina’s signature Empowered AF coaching certification opens in October. Get on the waitlist now!


  • Karolina's nerve wracking experience preparing to share her alcohol-free journey publicly

  • How to confidently express your alcohol-free status by positioning yourself as a leader in the rapidly growing alcohol-free movement

  • Inspiring stories of influential people who are proudly alcohol-free (and how embodying their energy can transform your own journey)

  • 4 reasons to motivate you to eat that frog and just do it. 


Whose judgment do you fear most when it comes to sharing your alcohol-free lifestyle? Make a list of these individuals and reflect on why their opinions hold such weight.

“Someone who is judging you is actually secretly insecure about their own relationship with alcohol.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“When I hear that someone's alcohol-free, I don't really assume anything other than that they're awesome. I really don't. I don't assume anything about their past drinking. I don't assume anything about why they stopped drinking. I don't care. All I know is that the coolest people are alcohol-free because it gives you so many benefits in life.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“I went from working in a cubicle with no real sense of fulfillment to living out my purpose every single day and making well over a million dollars in my business and retiring my husband and traveling the world and living this reality that wasn't even possible for our mothers and our grandmothers. And I believe so much in it.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey. 

Get on the waitlist for The Empowered AF Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and get special pricing.

Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review! 

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