Episode 243: Heal Your Triggers and Listen to Your Calling on Your Sober Chapter with Didi Jordan


Sometimes going alcohol-free can bring up uncomfortable emotions.

This is the situation today’s guest, Didi Jordan, found herself in during her third month of not drinking. With alcohol no longer there to mask her insecurities, Didi found herself having to sit with all kinds of personal anxieties, from aging to body image.

But, as she can attest now, this is where the magic happens! When we sit with those uncomfortable emotions, that’s when we find emotional freedom and unlock our potential.

Didi is an alum of the Become Emboldened and Empowered AF Coaching Certification programs which helped her go from starting from scratch to now a global brand that has popularized the concept of a “sober chapter”, which inspired her business, podcast, and soon-to-be book.

If you love spirituality and are into signs and serendipities, then this episode is for you. There’s something about having somebody on the podcast who’s been through the whole process of going alcohol-free and discovered her deeper purpose. 

If you know you’re meant to be a leader in the alcohol-free movement, get certified as an alcohol-free life coach along with 4 other modalities in the Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program


  • Didi’s transformation from a party girl struggling with anxiety and shame to a respected coach helping others achieve personal growth and sobriety

  • The concept of a "sober chapter" and how taking 22 months off alcohol led Didi to significant personal and professional breakthroughs

  • Real-life experiences of spirituality and self-discovery, including Didi’s interpretation of the number "69" as a meaningful sign

  • Didi’s advice on recognizing and understanding fear-based patterns, and her realization that many successful leaders avoid alcohol for greater personal growth

  • The concept that “feeling is healing,” and the power in learning to sit with our emotions (especially those we might have masked with alcohol)


Reflect on the concept "feeling is healing" that Didi emphasized. What emotions or triggers have you been avoiding, and how might facing them head-on improve your emotional and spiritual well-being?

“If someone had said to me, you can't have another drink again, I wouldn't have done it. I'd have just stayed in those same patterns. So giving myself that chapter – which I say to people can be a minimum of a year, but for me it happened to be 22 months in line with my 40th birthday. It’s a really great amount of time to really embody an alcohol-free life and find who you truly are and what you're truly meant to do and to make those changes. I believe no one really wants to go back after that either, because it gets so good.”  - Didi Jordan

“Removing alcohol is a catalyst for growth and healing. It really enables you to go deep, deep, deep with that inner work and to really stay consistent with it and to really get to know who you truly are and just align with everything that's meant for you and your future. I think the chapter breaks are great, but then a chapter just really gives you this whole massive container of space to just keep chipping away, to keep getting that momentum.”  - Didi Jordan


Follow Didi and learn about Sober Chapters, listen to her podcast, The Sober Chapters Podcast, and read the book she recommended, Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. 

Sign up for Karolina’s FREE masterclass, How I Made My First Six Figures Off My Passion, and learn how to harness your transformation and translate it into multiple streams of income. 

If you know you’re meant to help other people change their relationship with alcohol and achieve deep healing (along with their bigger dreams), apply for the Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program – and get 5x certified as a world class alcohol-free coach. 

Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey. 

Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review! 

If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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