Episode 87: Get to Know Your Hosts. . . Random Question Style

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It’s time to take a peek behind the scenes. In today’s episode of Euphoric The Podcast, Danielle and Karolina are sharing all of their never-before-shared secrets as they conduct a fun and lighthearted Q&A answering a variety of personal questions. From their most embarrassing moments to their first kiss, this episode is filled with juicy stories and inspiration. Hear about Danielle’s alcohol-free birthday celebration at a nudist resort, how the name “Euphoric” came to be, Karolina’s summer camp experience, and so much more! Get to know your hosts in a whole new way.

The most empowering moments and cherished memories on your alcohol-free journey can happen while you’re alone 

Danielle was about to celebrate her first alcohol-free birthday and she knew she wanted to do something wildly different. She decided to book a getaway to Palm Springs at a nudist resort. Looking back, she not only describes it as a favorite memory alone, but also one of her most cherished memories.

While the trip began with some fear and uncertainty, she chose to step into her confidence and fully embrace the experience. Danielle recalls how vulnerable it was to lay out in the sun by the hot spring pool completely naked. It was a whole new experience. There was no shame and no judgement. Simply pure joy and presence.

My most memorable moment alone also happened on a trip. I had a work trip to Hawaii and decided to go 4 or 5 days early. Why not, right? At this point in my life I was three months alcohol-free, and I remember thinking that life is so much better without alcohol!

I filled those days watching the Hawaiian sunrise, snorkeling, biking, swimming, tasting new foods, everything. It was so empowering, especially as a woman, doing these things alone. One night I was sitting at the beach on Waikiki, around sunset time which is always a spectacle and such a gorgeous sight to see. While everyone else was going over to the bar to take it in, I felt so much confidence that I didn’t need a drink.

At that moment I was struck by the phrase, “I’m Euphoric!” “I’m Euphoric!” That was the first time I had ever thought about the word in that way, and realized what it meant to be really, truly happy. Ultimately, “euphoric” became so much more as it evolved into this brand, the podcast, and my upcoming book, but it was in that moment in Hawaii that it came to me, in what felt like a divine way.

Tune into the full episode to hear Danielle and I share our most embarrassing moments from childhood, which both took place at school. I don’t think my brother will ever let me live mine down.

From Lush to locking lips

We also talk about our skincare indulgences. Completely unplanned, Danielle and I both count Lush, an amazing, ethically sourced line of bath, body, skin, and hair care products, as a favorite.

Danielle has a specific bar of sandstone soap that quickly became her go-to gym soap. For the longest time she would go into the store and just walk out with their free samples until she eventually purchased it.

As a natural early riser, this little bar of soap has become a motivator to get her out of bed and stick to her routine because she treats herself with it after her workout.

My affinity for Lush began after a friend gifted me a little bundle of their products. I fell in love with their “Dream Cream,” a body lotion with a heavenly chamomile and lavender scent. I look forward to using it every night.

Danielle also asked a hilarious question about our awkward first kiss experiences. Growing up in a Polish family, I would spend every Saturday at Polish school and every summer I would attend a Polish camp. 

One summer we were at camp playing a game where you had to pass an ice cube with your mouth from person to person, alternating between boys and girls. Whenever the ice eventually melted, those two kids had to kiss.

That night, it landed on me twice, so I had my first two kisses in the same night, and both of the boys were named Adam!

Danielle’s experience had a bit more anticipation. She had a boyfriend, but they’d never kissed. At the end of the school year, if you were in good standing, students were rewarded with a day trip to a kid’s camp.

All of Danielle’s friends were telling her the field trip was the last opportunity to kiss him before summer. She avoided it until it was time to get on the bus, and was so nervous, that her friends counted, “one, two, three, go!” 

Danielle and her boyfriend quickly kissed before getting on the bus to head home.

Russell Brand, Tony Robbins, and facing your fears.

If you could meet with any living person, who would it be and why? 

Danielle’s person is actor and comedian Russell Brand. He’s been sober for over a decade, is super down to earth, and feels like someone she could sit down and banter with. Even reading his book Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, you can almost hear his voice coming off the pages.

For me it’s Tony Robbins. I grew up knowing who he was, but in 2019, I rediscovered his work and was enthralled with what he shared. I poured over all of his books and was inspired listening to his talks. He has absolutely been foundational for me on my personal growth journey.

Finally, Danielle and I open up about the most terrifying things we’ve ever done. I have to say, being an entrepreneur is one of the most terrifying, yet rewarding experiences. It requires a huge level of vulnerability. You’re stepping into so many new, uncomfortable situations and stretching yourself in ways you probably never thought possible.

On the flip side of that, I’m so grateful, because the more I stretch, the more I grow. Things that used to scare me about running my own business don’t scare me anymore.

Despite being terrified of heights and water, Danielle was actually in the Navy. As an officer, part of her training involved jumping off a 12-foot platform into a pool wearing a full uniform. Then you had to remove the uniform and turn it into a floatation device!

Wanting to back down, it was her turn, and she forced herself to jump.

Sometimes you have to take the leap before you’re ready. Don’t leave your dreams or goals undone. Go after them no matter how scary they are. I’m cheering for you.


Learn more about the Euphoric Sober Soiree, how to rock Sober October like a queen, and how to join on October 1st!

Treat yourself with some Lush products.

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