Episode 136: Are the people you spend the most time with helping you grow?


Hey beautiful! Did you know that as humans one of our core needs is growth!?

When you embark on a growth-minded lifestyle without alcohol, you are slowly shedding the identity of who you were in the past and boldly stepping into a newer, better version of yourself. 

Today, Karolina focuses on the importance of community when it comes to a growth-oriented lifestyle. We don’t need to leave our friends and family behind, but we can also create new connections to meet our new needs! Learn why it’s so important to surround yourself with leaders, influencers, and game changers as you continue to reinvent yourself, evolve, and grow.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your community and growth journey!

Realizing your new needs.

If you are here, you are embarking on a growth-minded lifestyle. This is not about sobriety or being in recovery. You’re growing! You’re shedding an identity that no longer serves you and stepping into a newer, better version of yourself, right?! And it can be totally normal to be the only one in your social circle growing like that.

When we were little kids, we were growing all the time - there was always a new step to take. Then, somewhere into adulthood, we mastered our jobs and felt pretty comfortable in our lives. But we can eventually hit this huuuge plateau where we're no longer learning anything new, challenging ourselves, or stepping outside of our comfort zone. 

And the people we surround ourselves with play a big part. Here’s the truth - not all of your friends will meet your new needs in this new chapter of your life, and that’s okay!

You have new needs for being inspired, you have new needs for surrounding yourself with other game changers and leaders. You crave inspiration and being challenged by the motivation of others. You have new needs to go in-depth and be vulnerable with people.

Your old friends might be pros at nostalgia and humor, and you don’t have to leave them behind. Instead, intentionally cultivate new people and relationships into your life - humans who are also growth-minded like you and becoming the best version of themselves. 

Curating a growth-minded community.

All of our needs cannot be met by just one person, and this approach to relationships can actually lead to added stress, disappointment, or difficulties. So how do you meet new people that are growth-minded and are able to fill these new needs you have as you evolve?

One of my favorite ways is to go on meetup.com and look for any alcohol-free meetups in your local area. Start pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and meet other alcohol-free women who really celebrate this lifestyle! Search Facebook Groups and Instagram accounts to discover who’s in your local area.

And this idea extends beyond alcohol-free spaces too. If you’re an aspiring author, entrepreneur, or creative, find groups of others doing the same thing! Be intentional about who you invite into your life. To continue to grow, we all need to surround ourselves with people who can teach us and help us evolve.

If there are people in your life who bring you down, are always in a bad mood, or complain about everything, they are far from living a growth-minded lifestyle. Setting boundaries around your time with them can be so supportive for your journey!

I ditched alcohol between four and five years ago. Now I'm around so many alcohol-free people and women, that it’s almost abnormal for me to be around drinkers. This is the new life I've curated for myself.

We become a product of what and who we surround ourselves with, so I encourage you to  form friendships and spend time with growth-oriented people. 

People influence us SO much more than we think, which is why embarking on this alcohol-free lifestyle can be a lot harder when everyone around you drinks. 

But in creating your new community and elevating and changing yourself out loud, it will naturally have a profound impact on the other people in your life. As you prioritize your growth, people around you will notice. And then YOU get to become an influencer in their lives.

“As you start growing in your identity and your lifestyle, I want you to recognize that not all of your friends will meet your new needs and that you do have new needs - you have new needs for being inspired. You have new needs for seeing other people who are game changers, who are leaders, who are making huge inroads in their lives too. You need to be not only inspired, but you need to have aspirations.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


See what Meetups are happening in your area and connect with your local alcohol-free community!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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