Episode 118: Toxin-Free Living with Nika Lawrie


Have you ever taken a moment to really ask yourself how the products you use and the foods you consume are impacting your physical and mental health?

Today we’re talking all about eco-friendly and toxin-free living with functional nutrition counselor Nika Lawrie. Euphoric the Podcast is not only about supporting your alcohol-free journey, it’s also a space to learn other modalities and lifestyles that align with a vision of healthy, conscious living. Nika shares some great tips of where to start when it comes to detoxing your life, the dangers of plastics and fragrances, and how to make simple shifts toward a healthier, more mindful lifestyle.

Sustainability, nourishment, and longevity

Nika Lawrie is from Albuquerque, New Mexico and had a unique upbringing, growing up off the grid. Her parents used solar panels and collected rainwater as a means of meeting their basic needs! With such an extreme introduction to sustainable living, Nika rebelled when going off to college and in her young adult life.

Amidst the magic and love she had for working seemingly glamorous roles in the entertainment industry, the lifestyle was destructive to her body. Between the lack of sleep, frequent partying, and unhealthy eating habits, it was time to reevaluate.

Nika returned to New Mexico, went back to school, and began working as the Development Director for the Alzheimer's Association. Here, she began learning about the powerful correlation between sustainability, nutrition, and physical and mental health. 

Have you ever taken a moment to really ask yourself how the products you use and the foods you consume are impacting your physical and mental health? We each have the power to improve our health and live a more vibrant life.

Eliminating toxins, where to start?

So what do you do with this type of realization? It’s certainly not feasible logistically and often financially to rearrange your entire lifestyle. Nika has some great first steps to make simple shifts in cutting toxins out of your life!

The first and biggest one is to remove as much plastic from your life as you possibly can. We’ve all heard of BPA, but there are numerous other chemicals in plastics that are toxic to our bodies.

These chemicals impact our endocrine system, or the messenger system in our body. This can lead to thyroid issues, autoimmune disorders, behavioral and developmental disorders, and so much more.

Can you see why this is such an important item to decrease in our lives?

Another area of concern is around the products we use. Swapping out all the items in your house would be a LOT, so Nika recommends first learning what’s in the products you use. Some great apps like YUKA, Think Dirty, and Environmental Working Group tell you what is in a product and then offer alternative safer options.

The goal doesn’t need to be about changing everything overnight. Nika spent years slowly making shifts in her own home. Look at it from the lens of 80/20 or 70/30. It’s not about perfection.

Maybe right now, 50% of the products you use have high toxin levels. So begin working towards a 70/30 ratio. This doesn’t need to be about deprivation. It’s about realizing the impact of the items you use on your health and what you’re ready and wanting to shift.

Do you love that one lipstick shade you can’t find in any other brand? Go for it! Rock that color. That can be part of your 30%. Sustainability and living a happier life is also about what is sustainable for you!

Health, toxins, and going against the grain.

A lot of people struggle with different health issues and can’t determine the cause. For this situation, Nika has a two-pronged approach. The first is about nutrition. Start by working with a professional and trying an elimination diet. This is when you take certain items out of your diet for an extended period of time, then reintroduce them and take note of the physical impact it has if any.

The other side is looking at toxins in your body. These can often be assessed through tests a physician can do. For example, if you are someone who eats a lot of seafood, it may be helpful to get a mercury test.

Nika was aware from a young age that she didn’t enjoy the taste of alcohol, but also felt like the odd one out. While living in Los Angeles she partied and drank more, but always noticed how it made her feel afterwards. There were always the inevitable headaches and hangovers.

What really solidified her understanding of alcohol being harmful though was her Dad’s experience. For years, he suffered from severe migraines. While at a doctor’s appointment for a dosage assessment to manage the pain, the doctor very confidently told him the headaches were from alcohol. Despite only being a moderate drinker, he quit alcohol and hasn’t had a migraine since!

Nika leaves us with some encouraging parting words:

“Just start small. Pick one spot and work on that and then move to another spot. Once you feel comfortable, you don't have to do it all at once. The other thing too, is bring good in. So instead of removing everything, I think people have a hard time with… ‘I have to do this’. And instead, just bring some good things in.”

It all boils down to starting small and bringing in the good!

“I became obsessed with the intersection between health and sustainability and how what's good for our body is also good for the planet.” Nika Lawrie


Learn more about Nika Lawrie through her website and check out her business, Moringa Health and Wellness.

Listen to The Conscious Living Podcast for more tips from Nika on sustainable and healthy living!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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