Episode 246: This Wasn’t Possible For Our Moms’ Generation


Can you even believe that just fifty years ago, a woman needed a man to cosign on a business loan or open a checking account?

Women weathered so many wars, famine, and poverty back in the day. They showed raw resilience and power, and survived against immense odds.

Compared with what our ancestors survived, there has never been so much opportunity as there is today.

In this raw and vulnerable episode, Karolina shares about the fate of her ancestors who tragically perished as well as those who survived against miraculous odds.  

We are standing on the shoulders of giants and our ancestors want nothing more for us than to really go for it!

Here’s an important question for you:

Are you going to honor your ancestors’ sacrifices and follow your big, bold dreams?

There’s ONE SPOT left in our Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program.


  • Your ancestors survived unfathomable experiences–and how to draw strength from them to seize opportunities that only you have now

  • Karolina’s ancestors in Poland during World Wars I & II, and what her parents went through to emigrate to the U.S. from Poland after the fall of communism

  • The role of subconscious programming in determining our beliefs about what is possible based on the realities we see as children and young adults

  • The goals that have gatekeepers and the goals that don’t (and why it’s safer to bet on ourselves than an employer)

  • The possibilities that exist when we’ve stepped into our power and purpose: the energy we feel, and the spillover into all areas of our lives


Reflect on the challenges and sacrifices your ancestors faced. How can acknowledging their struggles and triumphs inspire you to seize the opportunities available to you today?

I believe it is actually safer to bet on yourself than an employer. I believe that it's safer to make yourself rich than an employer rich. I believe that it's safer to invest in yourself than anything else you can invest in. I believe that it's safer to follow your dreams and take them seriously than do that for somebody else. I believe that the passion and energy you get when you actually take the things that you want seriously and really take big moves and take big action to move forward with it is the passion and the energy that makes all the other life stuff so much easier.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Life is overwhelming because we're not stepped fully into our power and our purpose. When we are fully stepped into our power and our purpose, we derive such an energy, such a passion from that that spills over into every other area of our life.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska


If you know you’re meant to help other people change their relationship with alcohol and achieve deep healing (along with their bigger dreams), apply for the LAST SPOT in the Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program – and get 5x certified as a world class alcohol-free coach. 

Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey. 

Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review! 

If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, and lose the desire to drink until you just don’t want it at all anymore. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram and watch me romanticize the AF lifestyle and show you how to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true. 

And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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