6 Signs You're Ready for a Life-Changing Break From Alcohol
I believe removing yourself from a complicated relationship with alcohol is the most empowering and transformative thing you can do. I think anyone who gets to go through it is incredibly lucky. They deserve all the magic that unfolds for them when they take a break from alcohol or go alcohol-free.
There are six signs that you're ready for a life-changing break from alcohol—I’m talking about a making a real commitment to changing your relationship with alcohol, not just dipping your toe in—and the six signs are different than what you might expect.
We are brought up to think that we should evaluate whether or not we have a problem with alcohol. That we should only stop drinking if we meet certain criteria. The criteria are literally almost meaningless, because everybody breaks them. Everybody drinks more than one drink. Alcohol releases a rush of dopamine into your brain and then you need more to keep that buzz going. That’s the chemical and biological function of alcohol on the brain.
If it’s not about having a problem or not having a problem, how do you know it’s time to rethink your relationship with alcohol? How do you know when you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol or maybe even to take a leap of faith and go entirely alcohol-free?
1. You know there’s a better way to live
The first sign is when you wake up in the morning and you know in your heart that you deserve to feel better.
Day after day, you wake up feeling crappy with low energy. You might feel anxious, fuzzy, and depressed. Then one day you wake up knowing that this is no way to live. You’re meant for something better.
2. You’re Sick of the mental gymnastics
Eventually, you’ll reach your limit. When that happens, your heart will tell you you're made for more. You're made for so much more than the endless merry go round of drinking and hangovers. You’re sick of the mental gymnastics.
That voice can be very, very strong. It’s urging you to believe in yourself. To believe that there is something far bigger for you to be doing on this planet Earth.
3. You Want to Be Free From the Grips of Alcohol
Alcohol feels like it’s holding you back. It’s forcing you to stay stuck in the same old patterns and play small. Because it is. The third sign is longing for freedom and peace from alcohol. You want to get off the hamster wheel. You don't want to experience cravings or feel this mental anguish anymore. You want a life built on serenity. You almost feel jealous of people who don’t drink because you're longing for that same kind of freedom and peace.
4. Your Intuition Tell You To Go For It
Another sign is the voice of your intuition getting louder and louder. Most people ignore their intuition their whole life and never learn really how to listen to it. When your intuitive voice tells you that you're made for more—that a break from alcohol will radically change your life and there's so much out there for you to do or see in this world—listen. Your intuitive voice is the connection to your higher self. It’s the connection with your soul and, if you believe in it, the Divine.
Your intuition is the wisest person in the room. It's not going to be swayed by what this person or that person says, it's going to listen to what you need and what is right for you. That intuition is not only going to guide you during your magical break from alcohol, it's also going to point you to your soul's deeper purpose.
5. You’re Ready to Leave Your Comfort Zone
You're ready for a life-changing break from alcohol when you start to understand that the good things in life don't come from hanging out in your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is one of the worst places to live. Because, when you live in your comfort zone, you never get the thrill and excitement that comes from facing your fears. You'll never get what you really, really want in life.
Leaving your comfort zone is one of the key lessons that we're all meant to learn in life. We're not just supposed to go through life too scared to take risks or try anything new. We’re not meant to die doing the same thing over and over and over again.
When I changed my relationship with alcohol, I knew that I was ready to leave my comfort zone in other ways, too. I grew up near a beach with big waves, and I remember getting tousled when I was a really small child. I was even saved by a lifeguard. I’ve been scared of the ocean ever since. I love the connection with the water and animals, but my favorite kind of ocean to swim in is a calm, tropical Caribbean Sea.
When I committed to being alcohol-free, I went into the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean where I live has big swells, it's really cold, and it’s kind of murky. It's definitely not the Caribbean. But I went snorkeling with my husband in the Pacific Ocean for about an hour anyway. I faced my fear. I swam through the cold, murky waves. I did it.
And even though it was scary for me—even though it wasn't the most comfortable thing for me to do—I was so proud of myself afterwards. I was ecstatic. That's what leaving your comfort zone feels like. It's wildly fulfilling. When you leave your comfort zone, you know that you are so much stronger than any fear you have.
6. You Have Big Dreams
The final sign that you're ready to change your relationship with alcohol for good is knowing that there are bigger dreams in your heart. There’s a different reality out there waiting for you.
So many people dream of leaving their jobs and launching their own businesses. So many people dream of moving to some far-flung destination or traveling the world. So many people dream of making more time for their hobbies and even making them part of their livelihood. But we don't often allow ourselves to believe that these things are possible.
I truly believe that taking a break from alcohol is the fastest route to your biggest dreams. It transforms your mindset. When you take a break from alcohol, you start believing that you can do anything. Why? If you're used to drinking most days or every weekend—whatever it looks like for you—can you imagine going your first weekend without alcohol? What about your second weekend? Or your third?
You start to feel like Superwoman. You truly start to feel like anything is possible for you. And that confidence starts to spill over into other areas of your life. You start to believe that you’re far more capable than you ever believed. Then you start doing the things that scare you. You listen to your intuition. Your intuition tells you this is the next right step. And before you know it, you start building a radically different life.
My clients have launched businesses, established themselves as thought leaders in their fields, strengthened their relationships with loved ones, and even moved to Europe. They amaze me. They changed their relationship with alcohol, and now they’re fully alive.
I believe everybody deserves to take a break from alcohol—not because I'm a prohibitionist, but because I believe everyone deserves to know how life-changing it can be. It's transformative. It's not about having a problem or fixing anything, it’s about listening to your intuition. You've got a really cool purpose to fulfill, you’ve got an incredible gift to give this world, and we’re waiting for you to leave your comfort zone and go for it.
If you’re ready to go all-in, I highly recommend my group coaching program, Become Euphoric. The program gives you science-based tools to completely shift your mindset, make alcohol small, and put you on the path to accomplish your biggest dreams. Plus, you’ll have the support of other intuitive, growth-minded women just like you.
I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska