Episode 204: 11 Ways to Make 2024 Untouchable


2024 is a time to follow your heart and your joy. And in this last episode of the year, Karolina is sharing 11 powerful tips to help you feel more joy, more happiness, more fulfillment, and more empowerment in the year ahead!

While some tips are light, some are DEEPLY powerful, from slowing down and embracing the riches you already have, to dreaming so big that it scares you. Get ready to change your money story, embody wealth, and embrace your uniqueness on your alcohol-free journey. These tips have worked for Karolina and her clients, and hopefully they work for you too.

So often, we put off joy for a future time, but often those things you think you can’t have till you’re “rich” or more successful are actually accessible to you right now. You are a gift to the world and deserve a life that embodies that. 

And don’t miss what’s next at Euphoric! Starting January 9th, Karolina is hosting Dry Bootcamp, a 22-day immersive, life-changing experience, and in April, join for a bucket list worthy Euphoric Costa Rica Retreat.


  • Allowing yourself to breathe, be present, and feel the joy of what you already have and not be distracted by the false urgencies life throws at you

  • Lighting the candles, enjoying the face cream, and using the gym memberships NOW instead of waiting for special occasions or for when we’re “richer”

  • The importance of language in subconscious beliefs, particularly about money, and some book recommendations about reprogramming those beliefs

  • Looking at other people who are living your dream as EVIDENCE that you too can accomplish that if you’re realistic with the resources you need to get there

  • How to take your dreams SERIOUSLY and book that bucket list trip or an adventure to look forward to, like the Euphoric Costa Rica Retreat for AF Women this April

  • Looking ahead to Dry January (which changed Karolina’s life), and the upcoming Dry Bootcamp that kicks off January 9th


What are you not using up because you’re waiting for a special occasion? What do you already have that, if you use, will make your life feel richer?

For example, proximity to the beach or mountains? 

A gym membership? 

Are there special products, like skincare, candles, soaps, etc. – that you haven’t used?

What are you waiting for?

“Slowing down to me isn't necessarily about not taking action, or putting things off to the side, or procrastinating. Slowing down is more like: how can we actually stop and really be present and appreciate the blessings that life has already given us? I'm going to have a few more tips that really relate to this. But in essence, it's being present enough to actually allow yourself to feel the joy of what you already have.”- Karolina Rzadkowolska

“I want you to dream big. I want you to allow your heart to REALLY go big. If you dream for Mars, maybe you'll land on the moon, right? It's okay, if in our lifetime, you dreamed of being a Nobel Peace Prize winner but you never got there, but you did change thousands and thousands and thousands of lives through your work. I really do believe that our dreams deserve to be so big, because even if we don't get entirely the way there, we still went much further than would we have if we never dreamt big.”- Karolina Rzadkowolska


Some books that have helped Karolina reprogram her subconscious beliefs about money include Word Up: Little Languaging Hacks for Big Change by Dani Katz, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas, and You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero.

Dry Bootcamp starts on January 9th! This 22-day immersive coaching experience will help you take a life-changing break from alcohol with more than 20 lessons, workbooks, meditations, and most importantly, live coaching calls with Karolina to solve any challenges and answer questions to help you uplevel your mindset immediately. Enrollment closes on Jan. 8. Sign up today!

April’s alcohol-free Become Euphoric Costa Rica Retreat for women is about deepening your bigger purpose so you can be the most confident, empowered version of yourself in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Get paid to help others make alcohol insignificant and fulfill their greater purpose. Apply now for the Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins in March. Join the coaching program to get certified in Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, and Hypnotherapy.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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Karolina Rzadkowolska