Episode 203: Cast Your Vision for the New Year and Claim Your New Identity


As 2023 draws to a close, it’s the perfect time of year for reinvention - to shed old identities and limiting beliefs to create a bold new vision for yourself in 2024 - spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

Whether you dream of becoming a morning person, an author, a parent, or to build a successful business without alcohol, these are all critical shifts in your identity and this episode will inspire you to make it happen!

Karolina shares an inside peek into the Robert Dilts Pyramid, which is a fascinating model for creating transformation and change in your life. Not surprisingly, the factors that are most impactful (vision, identity, and beliefs) all have to do with your mindset.

We will never find our self-worth just in accomplishing goals alone. The point of a goal is to become the version of yourself that can achieve that goal. Check out our show notes for tips on how to make your alcohol-free holidays AMAZING so you can fully embrace your potential in the new year and join Karolina on January 9th for Dry Bootcamp!


  • All about the Robert Dilts Pyramid and how to use it to inspire radical reinvention in our lives by shaping our vision, identity, and beliefs

  • Why it’s okay for our visions to feel a little delusional (we owe it to our ancestors who grew up with survival mechanisms and didn’t have the same means as us)

  • How to carry the identity of someone you want to be, even if it’s not yours yet (for example, an author or a business owner)

  • Finding fulfillment by connecting with something bigger than you, and what brings us purpose, from personal growth to helping others

  • Karolina’s experience of shifting her identity from “drinker” to “non-drinker”


What identity do you want to bring into 2024? How does she act? Who does she surround herself with? What does she do? What does she have?

What from the Dilts Pyramid can you take with you to make the change for good?

“The shift from a drinker to a non-drinker is such a shock to the brain. It's so different from the previous reality that you lived. It's so different to go from someone who hates mornings, for example, to loving mornings. It is so different from being someone who wakes up hating themselves or wakes up always feeling worse for wear to wake up actually feeling amazing, and on the right side of the bed and excited about the day.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Are you a better person because you ran a half marathon versus someone who didn't? No. But that goal was incredible for your growth and your learning and your development, and your resilience and your endurance, and all those cool things. And so for me, goals are very important, because it's not about taking them off a list. It's really the growth you get to have through the journey.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


To help make your alcohol-free holidays amazing, check out some of Karolina’s holiday guides, including “Manifest Your Magical Alcohol-Free Holiday Yet,” “Six Tips for a Happy Alcohol-Free Holiday,” and “My Favorite Holiday Mocktails.” And for tips on navigating the holidays alcohol-free, check out Episode 96, “The Holidays Are Coming!” 

Dry Bootcamp is back and starts on January 9th! This 22-day immersive coaching experience will help you take a life-changing break from alcohol. Sign up today!

Get paid to help others make alcohol insignificant and fulfill their greater purpose. Apply now for the Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins in March. Join the coaching program to get certified in Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, and Hypnotherapy.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

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Karolina Rzadkowolska