Episode 202: What If You Don’t Achieve Your 2023 Goals?


This episode is a heart-to-heart for big dreamers and goal-setters. Beautiful, your dreams are still worth it, even if you didn’t achieve them in the timeframe you expected. What were your goals for 2023? Did you meet them?

Sometimes we overestimate what we can do in a year, but we can also underestimate how long a goal will actually take.

Today’s empowering conversation with Karolina will fuel you to create more space and inspiration for your goals as you move into the new year. We cover managing expectations, “timeline goals”, celebrating our wins along the way, and why we need to be unrealistic about our dreams sometimes!

You’ll also hear a few examples of how Karolina processes goals not met in her own life and uses setbacks as stepping stones for future success.


  • Looking at the effort BEHIND the goal: what were the books read? The programs joined? Did you do anything differently this year? 

  • How to use lessons from the previous year to do things differently in the next – for example, getting more support or creating more time for a goal 

  • How we often underestimate how long things take (our goals are not defined by how quickly we achieve them!) and why sometimes, it’s actually better when things take longer

  • Removing the attachment of self-worth to the outcome and focusing instead on what we did and the work we put in

  • The importance of ENJOYING ourselves as we work toward our goal, because happiness is not getting to the goal – it’s who we grow into during the process!


As you reflect back on your goals for 2023, which ones did you achieve? Which ones did you miss? 

Think about 2024 and what’s on your heart to achieve in the new year. How can you stay motivated to continue to work toward your goals but ENJOY the process more? How can you still live your life while focusing on the long game?

I’m so impressed with your resilience, your growth, and all the ways you are taking action on your goals. I’m rooting for you!

“When your goals are not just defined by how quick you can achieve them, there's longevity, and then you have the rest of your career to be able to achieve them – or the rest of your life, or any way you want to think about it. It's about the long game, not the short game. It's not about how fast you can do things. Because if you do things super fast, you might burn out. You might stop focusing on your health. You might stop focusing on your family. It really is the long game.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“We're waiting to get to the point where we get to the end of the goal, and we don't realize that life is going to just flash by if that's how we live our lives. Because when you are a goal-setter, when you're ambitious, there's always going to be the next goal. Human psychology dictates that as soon as we achieve one thing, we get super happy, and that's great for a little bit, and then we're like, okay, now what's next? And we go to the next goal. So whether it's in business – you just want to hit this kind of month! You just want to hit 5K in your business! Then, as soon as that starts happening, you're like, okay, I just want to get to the next level, and the next level. It's not to say that goals are not good to have, but it's not the goals’ achievement that's going to make you happy; it's who you grow into in that process.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


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Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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Karolina Rzadkowolska