Episode 110: Cognitive Dissonance Around Parenting with Alison Mosiello


Alison Mosiello is known as The Healthy Mom Coach and is also a business coaching client of mine, helping Moms transform their relationship with alcohol and incorporate healthy habits into their lives. Alison’s story is SO relatable. After having her three sons and finding herself binge drinking on weekends, she had to grapple with her relationship with alcohol around her kids and start asking the hard questions: “Is this the role model I want to be?” “Is my influence a positive or negative one?” Now three years into her alcohol-free journey, Alison breaks down cognitive dissonance and values. Are you living in integrity with your actions and your choices? How do you want to show up as a parent?

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Blinded by dissonance 

Alison Masiello had her first drink at the age of 15. Introverted, shy, and socially awkward, drinking was like a magic potion for her. One fruity cocktail in, and she instantly felt social, fun, and outgoing. 

Throughout high school she would drink on occasion, but alcohol was hard to come by. This changed when she went to college. During the week she was a nutrition student, but she transformed into a party girl on the weekends.

After college and now married, her weekend drinking habit continued as she acquired a taste for red wine. Alison started to notice that she didn’t really have an off switch.

Have you ever felt like once you start drinking, you don’t really want to stop, like you just want to keep on going?

Alison and her husband became parents to twins in 2006 - a beautiful life shift! After her sons were born, she returned to drinking as a key way to relax and decompress as she adapted to motherhood and postpartum depression.

Three years later, Alison gave birth to their third child, and the chaos and challenges grew. Blackouts became more frequent. She would easily drink a bottle of wine to herself in a single Friday night, and forget conversations she had the night before with her husband and sons.

Alison knew that alcohol was harming her health, affecting her marriage, and negatively impacting the relationships she had with her children. So why would she continue to go back to it?

Cognitive dissonance.

The process of transformation

Alison never hit rock bottom on her path to going alcohol-free, but there was an accumulation of little moments stacked up over time that finally pushed her to change. She finally made the decision to quit.

Six months into her journey, Alison decided to try a weekend away with friends where she would be intentional about drinking in moderation. The unfortunate outcome was a spiral back into her old habits, where she continued drinking again for two years.

In 2018, Alison was empowered and ready for change after reading books about the alcohol-free lifestyle and acquiring tools and skills that challenged her beliefs.

Alison’s journey of going alcohol-free was a head to toe realignment. In every other area of her life she was intentional, whether it was exercise or nourishing herself well. Alcohol was in such discord with that!

Quitting alcohol laid the groundwork for her legacy and inspired her to launch The Healthy Mom Coach. 

Have you ever felt completely out of alignment with yourself and your values, and then when you begin to get back into integrity it just feels so right in your bones? 

It’s okay to not be okay

Alison’s use of alcohol as a parent is not unique to her. We unfortunately live in a culture that promotes, glamorizes, and makes money by encouraging mothers to drink. Have you ever heard the term “mommy juice?” It’s incredible how the alcohol industry has latched onto this idea of parents needing alcohol to escape from their important role as parents.

Alcohol is a societal norm. Whether we are hanging out with friends, having dinner with family, or enjoying a movie night at home, the expectation is for alcohol to be present. This is part of what made it so challenging for Alison to quit alcohol the first time she tried.

As she cut alcohol out of her life and parsed through these narratives, Alison realized that this is about her life - not what others think or what society tells us we are supposed to do. Bigger than that, she now can pass on that confidence and empowerment to her own children and help other Moms do the same.

Known as The Healthy Mom Coach, Alison works with Moms, holistically helping them heal their relationship with alcohol and create healthy habits in all areas of their lives. From movement to nourishment, coping strategies to self-care, she helps her clients take an inquisitive look at both their actions as well as the beliefs they have around them.

Alison wants Moms everywhere to know it’s okay to not have it all together, and more than that, it’s okay to ask for the support you need! I think we can all use that powerful reminder sometimes!

“I dealt with major cognitive dissonance for many, many years… even before I had my kids, it was one of those things where I wanted to take care of my body. I knew alcohol wasn't healthy for me but I still did it. I knew alcohol was harming my health. I knew alcohol was probably contributing to my depression and my anxiety. But there was something that still was drawing me to drinking alcohol and I didn't want to give it up.” Alison Mosiello


Learn more about Alison and how to work with her as a coach through her website, and also get her free guide, 6 Ways to Crush Alcohol and Sugar Cravings. 

Alison can be found on Facebook and Instagram too. 

If you'd like the systems and mindset to succeed as an alcohol-free or sober coach, check out Karolina’s Business Coaching and 1:1 Coaching Programs! Space is limited, so apply soon. 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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