Episode 212: Are Universal Signs Speaking to You? Magic of My Grandma


Have you ever felt the universe was trying to tell you something? 

Personally, Karolina has received many signs from the universe that seemed almost magical – particularly regarding her late grandmother and the decision to go alcohol-free. These signs have given her comfort and guidance in the path she’s carved out for herself.

Four days after this podcast airs is Karolina’s 6-year soberversary, which is also the third anniversary of her grandmother’s passing. To some people, it might seem coincidental that these events occurred on the same date, but she finds meaning in this.

What will the universal signs be for you? How do you know you’re experiencing them? And how can you be open to receiving them? In this episode, Karolina shares insight about the signs the universe has sent her, with the hope that you will find guidance as you embark on your own path.


  • Karolina’s family during World War II – some members were taken to concentration camps or murdered; her grandmother was part of the resistance Home Army

  • How Karolina’s grandmother gave birth to Karolina’s father in the midst of a bombing, all by herself, while Karolina’s grandfather was in a concentration camp

  • The signs Karolina saw from her grandmother after death, from her Amethyst stone to the emergence of a certain wildflower Karolina began seeing everywhere

  • Recognizing that our dreams aren’t selfish – following these dreams is a way of seizing the opportunity to honor our ancestors and the hardships they went through

  • Advice and ideas for how to look for signs from the universe through symbols (they could be animals, numbers, colors, flowers, etc.) and how to be open to these signs


Have you ever felt the universe was sending you signs? What were they? What do you think the universe was trying to tell you? Did you listen?

“My dreams are literally the manifestation of my ancestors' dreams, and I am meant to go out and help all these people out there on this planet because of what they went through.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“I decided to take her big amethyst stone. And then I got this incredible sign from her. I got into wanting to look up what it meant. I looked into what the amethyst means. And it actually comes from the ancient Greek times. And it means ‘not drunken.’ It actually means sober. And I'm just like, holy shit. My grandmother has been giving me these signs that not only am I meant to have a big life, but this alcohol free life.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“The time you're on the precipice of a next stage – or next chapter or opening ahead of you – is the time to really look out for the signs and believe the signs when you see them. Believe the deeper meaning. Believe that they're there to guide you and show you that you're on the right path, and to not feel delusional that you believe in yourself, but to know that the universe is literally chanting your name, saying yes, yes, yes, yes. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Grow your dream coaching business to help others make alcohol insignificant and fulfill their greater purpose. Apply now for the Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins March 28th. Join the coaching program to get certified in Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, and Hypnotherapy.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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Karolina Rzadkowolska