Ep 175: Do You Have a Book Inside You?


Books change lives. How wild is it that 83% of Americans have a deeper yearning to write a book and express their creativity in this beautiful way?!

Writing a book can lead to a speaking career or a coaching career. It could lead to launching an online education company - there are so many possibilities and doors it could open that you can’t even begin to fathom.

Karolina shares an inspirational take on achieving our dreams and what it took to finally commit to writing her own bestselling book. Plus, you’ll hear more about the Become Emboldened 16-week program on achieving your dream. 

When we have a desire to write a book, it is one of the most noble desires in the world and one of the most beautiful gifts. If you’re ready to step into mentorship, healing, and strengthening your alcohol-free identity, this is your invitation…


  • How the desire to write a book (or embark on any creative endeavor) sets us up on a trajectory to fulfill other desires that we didn't know about

  • Karolina shares that it took 4 (!) years to write her bestselling book. Some dreams and projects have longer timespans

  • The questions you need to ask yourself before you start writing a book

  • How Karolina finally committed to writing her book after years spent behind a cubicle working a 9-5 (hint: she joined a women’s coaching program!)

  • Why we all need to “inner parent” ourselves when it comes to our dreams - this act of self-care means we’re listening to our desires and taking a chance on them

  • Learn more about the incredible Become Emboldened 16-week group coaching experience, which starts on June 14th. Join Karolina and learn how to design a life filled with connection, presence, self-love, and health


Beautiful, whatever endeavor you have on your heart, I want you to write it down and answer these questions, to get even deeper into the root of your dream.

How am I going to achieve this? 

What do I need support with? 

Who or what is going to keep me accountable? 

How am I going to learn the things I need to learn in order to do it?

“The way that I've designed my life this way has only been possible because of listening to my deeper desires within myself, of listening to what I really want to do in this lifetime about how I want to express my creativity in the world, about how I want to make an impact. And all of that has allowed me to therefore have the lifestyle that I want - the travel and the freedom that I want. And it all started with this desire to want to write a book.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“If one door closes, another one opens. And I think that's what's so sacred. When women really devote themselves to a higher vision, they change the world. They make an impact. They feel fulfillment in their lives. They inspire other people. It's all just this huge upward spiral. We need to grant ourselves permission to listen to our desires and go after what we want because that is how we're going to change the world. That is how we're going to elevate consciousness, show people what's possible, and have so much more abundance and freedom and flexibility to share.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Become Emboldened is Karolina’s 16-week advanced group coaching program that helps alcohol-free women achieve their dreams. Plus, get a bonus 1:1 call with Karolina and have the option to add a private VIP weekend experience in Laguna Beach. Sign up before the first coaching call on June 14th!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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