Episode 209: Now that Dry January is Over, Who Do You Want to Be for the Rest of 2024?


Dry January is over. Now what? How does this play into the rest of 2024?

In our last episode, Susie Streelman shared that 44% of people want to try Dry January. However, things can get confusing come Februrary.

If you’re at these crossroads, here’s a question for you to ponder: Are you interested in achieving your goals in 2024? If so, does alcohol REALLY fit with them? Can you ACTUALLY do both?

Karolina reveals the major epiphanies and poignant questions she had in February 2018 after her Dry January “break” was over. As you know, Karolina ultimately chose “Door B,” which helped her unlock everything she’s ever wanted, from a deeper purpose to a career that allowed her to fulfill some of her greatest dreams.

If you’re leaning towards “Door B,” join Become Euphoric, a 4-month group coaching program, with classes starting on February 6th (and a discount if you sign up right now!)

Tony Robbins has an amazing philosophy that our lives are most meaningful when we grow and when we give. If you’re on board and want to help others make alcohol insignificant so they too can fulfill their greater purpose, enrollment is open for the Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins in March!


  • Karolina’s “high of her life” during Dry January in 2018, which she’d only originally planned to be a month break (and the danger of interjecting the word “forever” too early)

  • Feelings she had at events (including a Cirque du Soleil show) that are supposed to be fun after drinking again: foggy, fuzzy, bored, apathetic, jaded, frustrated and cranky

  • Epiphanies Karolina had during her second break while journaling and reprogramming her subconscious

  • Tony Robbins’s philosophy of life: that we find the most meaning when we’re growing and giving

The future of the alcohol-free movement (Gen Z is barely drinking these days) and the  Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins in March, and includes certification in Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, and Hypnotherapy


Did you participate in Dry January? What are the feelings and discoveries you found in yourself without alcohol in the way? 

“Society makes it so easy to feel like you're supposed to do all the things and still have alcohol in your life. We've been sold a lie. One thing doesn't fit with the other.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“In January, I was getting entertained by clouds and trees. I was literally living the high of my life, just in nature. And now I'm at this incredible spectacle, this incredible choreographed show, and I'm bored, apathetic and jaded. I felt nothing. I really took that to heart. This is not the way I want to experience life. My senses are dull. I'm not even getting any enjoyment out of this. It really was this stark contrast.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Are you at a sober-curious crossroads now? Join Become Euphoric, a 4-month group coaching program, with classes starting on February 6th (and a discount if you sign up right now). Make alcohol insignificant and discover a happier, freer life. 

Get paid to help others make alcohol insignificant and fulfill their greater purpose. Apply now for the Empowered AF Coach Certification, which begins in March. Join the coaching program to get certified in Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching, and Hypnotherapy.

Secure one of the last few spots on Karolina’s alcohol-free women’s empowerment retreat! The Euphoric Costa Rica Retreat is about deepening your bigger purpose so you can be the most confident, empowered version of yourself in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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Karolina Rzadkowolska