Ep 149: Evolving Your Identity


Today, Karolina is breaking down the importance of evolving our identity when it comes to ditching alcohol. To become a non-drinker, we have to fully and completely claim that identity. Hear about the powerful Hierarchy of Change, the shifting identities we form as children and into adolescence, and why we need to get outside of our comfort zones to experience an evolution and transformation beyond our wildest dreams.

Karolina never thought of herself as an entrepreneur or an online coach. She never believed she would be an author one day either. But she evolved her identity into all of those things and more. Now, the idea of drinking just isn’t even an option anymore because alcohol is meaningless. 

If you're getting a nudge from the universe or your intuition that it’s time to change, listen to it! Everyone deserves to see how they feel without alcohol in their life.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today

The role of identity in cultivating change.

Beautiful, who are you?

It’s such a big question, but it’s a concept I’ve been sitting with for the past few days. It's so important to get clear about our identity, especially when changing our relationship with alcohol. 

Most people think that drinking is all about changing your habit, and it’s certainly part of it. Our brain creates these neural pathways that become stronger the more we repeat the same behavior, and so by repeatedly changing a behavior we have the ability to create a new pathway.

But there’s more to it than that!

There’s something called the “Hierarchy of Change'', and it’s basically a breakdown of the most impactful elements to creating change in your life. At the bottom level, you’ll see things like habitat or environment. But when you look at the top, the biggest lever to impact our ability to make change is our identity!

So if we really want to become sustainable and fulfilled in our alcohol-free journey, it’s about way more than just practicing a new habit. It's in fact, deeply rooted in an identity change.

To be a non-drinker, you need to believe and claim your identity as a non-drinker. 

Beautiful, the more you view yourself this way, the more your life will align with this version of yourself. I speak from experience too! As I’ve owned my identity as a non-drinker, alcohol doesn’t even come into my mind as an option or something I would consider doing any more.

Nature versus nurture

We spend our entire developmental life adopting and claiming different aspects of our identity. 

As a teen, you may have identified as not being a morning person. In grade school, maybe you called yourself an introvert because you were shy. But the identities we form as children, through adolescence, and even as adults do NOT have to be who we are now.

We don’t have to hold onto any identity that no longer supports or serves us in living out our greater purpose, right?!

So another important question to ask yourself is this: “Are you letting the more immature version of you decide who you'll be for the rest of your life?”

Our identities are meant to change over time. It’s written in the fabric of our entire world. Look at the way seasons change: Winter to Spring, Summer to Fall. Refusing to change goes directly against nature.

Choosing growth in your identity creates newness. It unlocks the possibility of becoming bolder, more confident, increasing self-awareness and intuition.

Most adults drink their whole life and don't even get a chance to experiment with what it feels like to not drink. I want you to have that gift! You deserve to experience life without alcohol in it. I want you to know the freedom that comes with challenging limiting beliefs around drinking, and choose a new identity for yourself.

Listening to the nudge of change.

If we live with the truth that our identity is supposed to change and evolve, then when signs and hints tell us it's time to grow, we won’t be surprised. Otherwise, of course we’re going to feel scared when the universe throws a curveball our way. 

Ditching alcohol brought so many blessings into my life that it made me excited about change, instead of feeling scared of it.

One of the easiest ways to change your identity is by literally doing new things. We need to always push our boundaries and get outside of our comfort zones.

Another key piece to identity change is surrounding yourself with people who elevate you, people who are pursuing their own growth. And if you don’t know where to start, our group coaching programs like Become Emboldened and Become Euphoric offer women a space to form friendships with other growth-oriented people.

Getting outside of your comfort zone helps evolve and shift your identity. I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, or an online coach. I never believed I would be an author one day. But I've evolved my identity to all of those things, and more. And I truly believe that you too can experience an evolution and transformation beyond your wildest dreams.

So if you're getting a nudge from the universe or your intuition that it’s time to change, listen to it. Beautiful, don’t wait until the storm comes or you hit rock bottom. Listen to the voice saying that there’s more for you than drinking, more for you than your current career, more for you in every imaginable way!

“What is your identity today? And who decided on this identity? Was it a past version of you that was less mature and less emotionally intelligent? Because maybe it's time to elevate and evolve and grow your identity, whether it's time to ditch that alcohol, or maybe time to ditch that career, or something else that isn't really serving you.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


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This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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Karolina Rzadkowolska