Episode 85: How to Get Out of a Funk Fast

Episode 85 How to get out of a funk fast.jpg

Everyone experiences it at some point. Those days that you wake up, and don’t feel quite like yourself, but you’re not entirely sure why. Your mood feels off, your energy is low, your motivation is lacking. Even if you’ve already been changing your relationship with alcohol or taking a break, falling into a funk is a normal part of the process. In this episode of Euphoric The Podcast, Karolina breaks down four beautiful tips to help you get out of your funk fast so you can get back to your radiant, goal-getting, positive, and hopeful version of yourself.

Learn about the importance of routine, the power of inspirational speakers, the transformation of gratitude, and the value of switching up your routine. Enjoy!

Overcoming a funk by returning to routine

Do you ever wake up not feeling your best, maybe feeling low energy, you're less positive than normal, and you can't really pinpoint why?

This is falling into a funk.

On a trip this summer, I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Europe with my family. It was a dream come true and I felt so happy and blessed to be able to return to a place that truly feels like my second home. Throughout our time abroad, I was around family all the time, starting our days early, and constantly traveling from place to place. 

When I returned home, I got sick for two weeks, which took me out longer than expected. Then as I got better, I was surprised to find myself in a funk. My mood was low, I had a lack of motivation, and I didn’t have the same amount of energy. 

So what do you do when you find yourself this way? You have to get back on a spiral of momentum and positive growth. The first thing I did was reconnect with my morning routine.

Whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, carve out some sacred time for yourself before your day begins. You can use this time for personal growth work and to give yourself space before the day’s responsibilities and obligations begin.

One great resource that helped me is the incredible book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, as well as the documentary!

Maybe a morning routine for you looks like journaling, meditation, and affirmations. Maybe it’s working out or visualizing your dream life. All of these are great ways to set your day up with a positive, grounded, and motivated perspective.

Other important areas throughout your day you can look at could be your exercise and movement routine, screen time, nutritional needs, and even your evening routine

So tip #1 when you're in a funk is to create a routine that is exactly what YOU need!

Inspirational speakers 

One of the best ways to help free yourself from a funk fast is by listening to inspirational speakers. These are people that uplift you and bring you hope and inspiration, shifting your mindset into positivity and encouragement.

Do you have a podcast that you love or an author you are inspired by, someone that always seems to encourage you? 

By incorporating podcasts (like this one), talks, interviews, or videos as you go through the mundane parts of your day, you can have a consistent flow of inspiration and positivity humming through the background.

The power of gratitude

Another key piece to shifting out of a funk is to refocus on gratitude. When we go through life with expectations of others, we are left feeling resentful, bitter, and frustrated.

Shifting from a lens of expectation to appreciation is an incredible way to remind us of the constant blessings and goodness that are around us.

So how do you make this transition? A simple, yet powerful method I use is a daily gratitude practice. Try taking a few moments everyday to list anywhere from 3 to 10 things that you are grateful for.

Do you have a bed to sleep in at night? Do you have food to eat? Do you have loved ones at home with you or a fur baby to cuddle with? Maybe you're proud of yourself for the way you handled a conflict.

As you constantly look for areas of appreciation, you will also notice yourself finding gratitude throughout your day, unprompted, simply because you’ve attuned yourself to a perspective of appreciation.

Becoming unstuck by breaking your routine

The fourth and final tip I have for you to break being in a funk fast is to actually get out of your routine. Life can become a monotonous “going through the motions” of waking up, mentally checking off your to-do list, and going to bed.

When we switch our routine up, we can begin shifting our energy and bringing something new and exciting into our life.

So what are ways to get out of routine? Maybe you live near a body of water, so on a Tuesday night instead of making dinner for the kids, you ask your partner to, and you escape to sit on the beach and read a book.

Maybe you’re craving a new experience and there’s a writers group starting in your town or online. What if you carved out an hour a week to be part of it, in turn spurring your creativity and connecting you with a new community?

Getting out of your routine is all about breaking the monotony of your day-to-day life to add more pleasure and joy. Where can you do something just for yourself? By following these four tips I shared today, you’ll be on the fast track for replacing your funk with feelings of joy, excitement, and gratitude.

“There's so much to appreciate, there's so much to be grateful for. And we really take it for granted on most days when the littlest thing goes wrong and we feel frustrated. We miss all the blessings, we miss all the amazing goodness that we have in our lives.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


Learn more about the Euphoric Sober Soiree, how to rock Sober October like a queen, and how to join on October 1st!

How To Not Fall Back Into Drinking When Something Really Hard Happens

Learn more about The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and the documentary

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Karolina Rzadkowolska