Episode 114: 8 Reasons Why Moderation is Stressful


Have you ever tried to moderate, but wind up frustrated? It’s normal to fantasize about moderation. Maybe you’ve said to yourself, “if I could make alcohol a smaller part of my life, but not remove it from my life completely, everything would be okay.”

In this episode, Karolina shares some of the mindset shifts she had when considering moderation, the energy and mental gymnastics it actually takes to moderate, and why moderation ultimately leads to decision fatigue and wasted mental time. 

It’s time to harness your incredible gifts and experience the magic of alcohol-free living.

What actually is moderation anyway, and why it’s a fantasy

Have you ever tried to moderate, but wind up frustrated? Believe me, I’ve been there before.

It’s normal to fantasize about moderation. The idea of drinking less without completely quitting was always a goal I strived for before going completely alcohol-free.

The definition of moderation is kind of fuzzy. If we’re talking old school medical guidelines, one drink per day is the standard. But a lot of research has been done over the past 10-15 years that even having just one drink per day is harmful to our health.

Alcohol increases our risk of heart disease and breast cancer and lowers our lifespan. The American Cancer Society says it’s best to not drink at all and the World Health Federation claims even one glass of wine is bad for our heart.

Trying to figure out my drinking habits to only have one drink per occasion was mind bending for me. I’d feel like I succeeded when I had the one drink, but I’d feel so unsatisfied later when I really wanted another but had to cut myself off.

Moderation and managing boundaries is mental gymnastics

Let’s talk about some of the reasons why moderation is stressful. When you’re always striving for moderation, you can never relax. Take for example a night out with some girlfriends. You tell yourself you’ll only have one drink.

What if the table isn’t ready and the server guides your party to the bar? Will you have your one drink then, or will you wait until your food comes out and enjoy a glass of wine with dinner? It’s tough to combat the culture that wants you to drink at every single occasion at every moment, from happy hour to nightcaps. It’s never just this one, innocent glass of wine.

And managing boundaries can also be its own set of mental gymnastics. When you’re moderating and hanging out with other drinkers, you’re always going to deal with enablers, like the friend who persuades you to split a bottle of wine with her at dinner, or your Uncle that pulls out the sake at a family gathering and wants everyone to try it.

And what about the inevitable decision fatigue? Studies show that we have a limited reserve of willpower each day. It’s easier in the morning to make the right choice, but by the end of the night, you’re crumbling.

When you indulge in moderation, you’re always going to have 100 little decisions about alcohol: 

What are you going to drink? 

Who are you going to drink with? 

How much are you going to drink? 

What’s going to happen the next morning?

Expand your comfort zone by breaking up with alcohol

Imagine the shame and regret of not living life according to your values and intentions.

When you fail to keep the promises you made to yourself, it erodes your self esteem. Especially when you continually break promises to yourself. It might make you feel like you can’t trust yourself or you’re not good enough.

I’ll leave you with this final thought, beautiful.

When you’re drinking regularly and you’re so focused on moderation, you’re forever going to be stuck in your comfort zone. You’re not really growing, expanding your definition of self, or working on your self-discovery.

Does alcohol really deserve to take up so much freakin’ brain space?

I believe that fundamentally, we are here on this planet for a reason. We have incredible gifts to share that we have cultivated through our experiences, our personalities, and our intelligence. When we’re creative and able to get into the flow and use our brain to harness our creativity and our intuition, magic happens.

If you’re reading this and feeling ready to change the way you think about alcohol, come join me in my 22-day Dry Bootcamp. Enrollment closes soon, and I’d love to get to know you, honor your emotional needs, and work with you.


“When you’re dealing with moderation, you’re always going to get decision fatigue. Eventually, you’re going to have to make 100 little decisions about alcohol and they are going to deteriorate over time.”


Are you ready to do alcohol differently? Join Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp for a highly immersive 22 day experience in April for as little as $159. You’ll get weekly group coaching calls, video lessons, a Slack community, and guides to take care of emotional needs in healthy ways. 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

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