Episode 113: 6 Secrets My Clients All Shared to Happily Change Their Drinking


Have you ever tried to take a break from alcohol, and somehow wound up right back where you started? Maybe you even feel like a failure or that something is wrong with you. Stop right there friend, because ditching alcohol takes WAY more than just willpower.  

In today’s episode of Euphoric The Podcast, Karolina gives you a peek behind the curtain. Discover the top six secrets that her clients share which led to happy and fulfilled alcohol-free living! From having a growth mindset to being curious and resourceful, learn how you can make powerful shifts and step into a vibrant, alcohol-free life too.

A growth mindset and the desire to learn

Are you curious about how your life would look without alcohol in it? You may have even taken a break before, or tried to ditch alcohol, only to come back to it once again. I promise this does not make you a failure, and it takes more than just willpower alone to experience freedom from alcohol.

As an alcohol-free life coach, I work with countless women seeking to ditch alcohol and welcome freedom into their lives. I’ve noticed over the years some key perspectives that my most successful clients share, and I want to share them with you so you too, can live your best life. 

The first perspective is all about growth vs. fixed mindsets. A fixed mindset is believing that the way you approach life, from your skills, intelligence, even the abilities you have, are all predetermined. With this perspective, change can seem flat out impossible.

On the other hand, a growth mindset is powerful. With a growth mindset, you believe change and transformation are possible. The most famous athletes, entrepreneurs, and musicians all got to where they are because of practice, working hard, failing and going again. They believed they would get better, and they pursued their dreams by continuing to go again.

The second commonality in my clients is a deep desire and curiosity to learn. When I first tried to quit drinking alcohol, I found myself struggling because the focus was just on drinking less. When you take the time to really learn about alcohol, the alcohol industry, and the beliefs you have around drinking, your perception of alcohol will slowly begin to change. Get curious about the effects of alcohol on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Ask yourself why you drink. What drives it and what do you think it provides you with? 

If you don’t know where to start, get involved in a program where you can surround yourself with other women seeking to ditch alcohol and transform their lives. If you’re looking for a beautiful community that will support you and empower you, check out my 22 day Dry Bootcamp. We get started on April 4th!

What you believe, you become

I want to remind you of something so important: quitting alcohol is NOT linear. It is so normal to make progress and then struggle with drinking again, then make some more progress, and maybe have a drink, and then finally have that clicking moment.

Having a drink or falling back into old patterns and habits is not failure - it means you’re human! Think about how long alcohol has been in your life and all of the deeply ingrained  beliefs you have about alcohol and what it offers you. Think about the societal norms and pressures to drink. 

Instead of calling it a slip or a relapse or a failure, use it as an opportunity to learn. I was taught to call these moments “data points” because they provide feedback into what’s working and what isn’t working. Take away the drama and the judgment. Instead, notice why you chose to drink in that scenario. Learn from it, shift, and continue on your alcohol-free journey. 

As you discover why you drink and continue to challenge your beliefs around it, you will actually change your brain. This is why the fourth common perspective my clients share is to not rely solely on willpower.

Learning about alcohol and its negative effects, learning from your data points, and staying in a growth mindset all support you in changing your brain's wiring. 

Change your thoughts around alcohol and you will neurologically change your desire for it. This is such empowering news! It’s like that old adage, “what you believe, you become.

Getting resourceful and envisioning what’s possible

Do you consider yourself resourceful? Being resourceful is an invaluable perspective in supporting you in your alcohol-free journey. We all develop habits around drinking and patterns of thinking around drinking, AND we can also create new habits and patterns.

The brain has the incredible ability to change and create new pathways for beliefs and actions. The question is then, how can you support yourself in this process? Think about how much money you spend in a year on alcohol.

Did you know that the average drinker spends over $400 a month on alcohol? 

If you invest that in a program, a coach, or a class that will support you, not only will you be living your best life, you will also continue to save more and more money over time by not spending it on alcohol. Imagine the possibilities. 

The final perspective I want to share with you is focus on your gains, not the losses. If alcohol was no longer in the way, what would become possible for you?

It can be tempting to get stuck in deprivation thinking, but that is a choice. Start to look for the positives, notice what you’re grateful for, and envision what being alcohol-free will give you.

Without alcohol, your relationship with yourself will transform, your energy will increase, your savings will grow, and your life as a whole will flourish. Remind yourself of what you want and what you’re moving forward because this will give you the momentum and motivation you need to stay the course, and be excited about the journey. 

“When I work with clients, one of the most critical indicators of success is that they don't believe in a fixed mindset. They believe in growth… Like I said earlier, a new way of thinking is available to all of us every single day, we just have to choose to do it.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


Are you ready to do alcohol differently? Join Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp for a highly immersive 22 day experience in April for as little as $159. You’ll get weekly group coaching calls, video lessons, a Slack community, and guides to take care of emotional needs in healthy ways. 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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