Ep 167: Money Mindset for AF Women


MONEY… It's a complicated topic, right?! And harnessing a strong money mindset is one of the key areas to cultivating change and attracting more wealth into your life. 

Alcohol-free women are in such an incredible position to improve their money mindsets. 

Today, Karolina opens up about what helped transform her money perspective and new ways to think, feel, and act when it comes to money. Hear what it was like growing up with “fanatical frugality” in an immigrant family, her biggest fears, common money stereotypes, and why we need to forget about clipping coupons and skimping out on lattes. Leave scarcity behind and step into abundance as you shift your money mindset and take another step toward living your most amazing life!

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today


  • How to get started on your journey to more financial freedom (and where your beliefs around money are actually coming from)

  • The two mindsets around money and how to live with an abundant money mindset

  • Love and joy and impact are so important, but so is money… These things aren’t mutually exclusive AND we can have both.

  • Imagine the transformation that would happen in the world if money was in the hands of more women, people of color, and marginalized folks. Hear why having a financial seat at the table is so much better for everyone!

  • Our thoughts matter and our subconscious pays attention! How you view money and those who have it, impacts your own ability to develop wealth

  • What if making money doesn’t mean working harder? What if it’s about doing the mental work of changing your beliefs about money? 


In order to change our mindset around money, we need to know where we are starting. Take some time to reflect on how money was handled and talked about while you were growing up, including what you observed and the financial situation you were raised in.

If you get honest with yourself, what beliefs do you hold about money? Are you living in scarcity or abundance? Would you consider it selfish to treat yourself? Does part of you believe that you can’t both love the work you do and be financially thriving?

You deserve to have financial freedom and abundance! What is one belief you can focus on reframing this week, and one action you can take toward changing it?

“Scarcity, reacts towards money with fear. It believes that there's just not enough. It leads to being underpaid with your job. It leads to hoarding money. It leads to inaction. It leads to fear. And it leads to being stuck in jobs that we're not passionate about just for the paycheck.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“An abundant mindset is basically believing that you're going to be taken care of. That you're going to be okay at the end of the day, more than okay. It's believing that the universe has your back, that money flows in and out, that when you invest in yourself more money will come back to you, that going for your dreams is the key to your abundance.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Imagine if the right people had money. Imagine if more women and people of color and disenfranchised people had money. Imagine how different our world would be! So the best way we can actually help the world and change the world is to get a seat at the table.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


For a great resource on changing your money mindset check out this amazing book, We Should All Be Millionaires, by Rachel Rodgers!

Karolina’s brand new Coaching Certification, The Empowered AF Coach starts May 4th, 2023. Submit your application today and get certified in four different modalities: Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching. Plus, a weekend retreat and 4 months of business training and masterminding to help you attract new clients and scale to six figures.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

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