Ep 168: What if It Doesn't Work Out?


It’s time to ditch the fear of failing, the fear of making mistakes, the fear of being imperfect, and the fear of going after what you REALLY want. How often does your fear of failure keep you from stepping into your biggest dreams?

Karolina is celebrating five years alcohol-free! But the symbolism of what she’s celebrating is even greater than that. It's been five years of putting herself first, deepening her self-growth, listening to her desires, and achieving her biggest dreams. Today, she dives into the concept of how fear prevents us from pursuing our passions and the incredible life she’s created for herself through challenging her fears. 

Instead of asking yourself, “what if it doesn't work out?”, ask yourself “what if it does?” What if you knew your success was inevitable? Tune in to shift your beliefs around failure and begin living today knowing your dreams are ready to be unleashed as your future reality!

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today


  • Karolina is no stranger to the fear of failure. Hear the realizations that empowered her to launch a business, write a bestselling book, and constantly go after a bigger and bolder life

  • Why fear is designed to protect us and keep us safe, but sometimes that safety is just an illusion. Our inaction can actually mean living our greatest fears

  • The powerful learnings Karolina had after a “failed launch” of her Become Euphoric program

  • The importance of getting comfortable with taking messy, imperfect action when pursuing something new or unfamiliar

  • Karolina traveled to Poland soon after the invasion of Ukraine. Hear how she used her very valid fears to problem solve, lean into “best case scenarios”, and enjoy her trip

  • What if by pursuing your biggest dream, no matter how long it took, you would inevitably achieve it? How differently would you act today?

  • More about Become Euphoric and the The Empowered AF Coach certification


Did you know neuroscience has proven we actually do achieve what we believe? This has profound implications then, right?

If we believe it’s impossible to achieve our biggest dreams, our actions, choices, and way of being will lead to that exact result.

BUT, on the flip side, when we believe in possibility, success, and abundance, that’s exactly what we’ll experience!

Think about your biggest dream. Imagine that without a doubt, it will come to fruition. What impact would it have on your life if you knew your dream would be your reality? How would you show up for yourself? Would you continue living life as you have been, or would you change certain aspects? Would you feel motivated, excited, hopeful?

“The unfamiliar will always be scary, because we don't know it. But that doesn't mean that we have to settle for the status quo, even though the status quo isn't what we really want.” 

“How different would you actually act if you knew your success was inevitable, and it wasn't something that would happen overnight? It wasn't something that would happen even in six months, but you just knew it was inevitable. Would some of the stress go down? Would some of the pressure go down a little bit? And we could actually look at things with a more hopeful eye and be just so much more excited about going after our dreams.”


Karolina’s brand new Coaching Certification, The Empowered AF Coach starts May 4th, 2023. Submit your application today and get certified in four different modalities: Alcohol-Free Life Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Success Coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching. Plus, a weekend retreat and 4 months of business training and masterminding to help you attract new clients and scale to six figures.

If you’re looking to ditch alcohol, check out Karolina’s program Become Euphoric. And if you’re looking to unlock your deeper purpose, Become Emboldened is launching again this June 2023, so join the waitlist today!

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. If you’re looking for a deliciously authentic non-alcoholic wine that’s all natural, check out Wild AF Wine today, and give their Sparkling Rosé a try! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. They take a California Syrah and make a nonalcoholic sparkling rosé from it that is delicious. And because they don’t add in any sugar or juices, it’s actually zero calories and zero sugar, so no guilt included. Use code EuphoricAF30 to get 30% off. Try it today

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

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