Episode 189: Is Your Procrastination Actually Perfectionism in Disguise?


Are you flooded with new ideas and dreams? Maybe you have a vision to start a business or launch a podcast. Maybe you have a goal on your heart to become a coach or write a bestselling book. These dreams can seem daunting. Where do you even start?

Plus, there’s a lot of fear to start something new that we care about. What if it’s not as great materialized as it is in our heads? What if it gets rejected or we feel like a failure? We often procrastinate around things that seem hard – but it’s not just procrastination at work here. It’s also perfectionism! 

Today’s episode will inspire you to take on your passion projects by getting over your perfectionism, because the first phase of creating something isn’t about making something perfect or better – it’s about actually creating something in the first place.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon.  Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand-new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off. Here’s to changing drinking culture one alcohol-free drink at a time.


  • How to prioritize and divide your time between what’s urgent and important, urgent but not important, important but not urgent, and not important and not urgent

  • The paralysis of perfectionism – because when we want something to be perfect and don’t know how to make it perfect, we don’t do it at all

  • Techniques for peeling back perfectionism so you do the thing you want to do, plus, Karolina’s own experience with procrastination and perfectionism while writing her first book, Euphoric

  • A unique look inside Gretchen Rubin’s four tendencies framework, (and what it reveals about how people are motivated to do things in the world) – plus, Karolina’s #1 secret to success!

  • The importance of accepting imperfect work from yourself in those initial stages of creativity, from writing a book to creating a website


Karolina promises that by the time this airs, she will start on her next book. What is something you have been procrastinating on that’s important to you? What can you commit to in the next week that will help you achieve that goal?

“When something is important to you – when it's something that you really want to do, and it's something that matters to your creativity, or to your expression, or to your dream or to your goals – I'm going to say this. It's not actually procrastination that you're dealing with. In this case, it is perfectionism. It is actually perfectionism that is blocking you from getting started or making progress on this big goal. Not procrastination.”  - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“We hang ourselves up so much because we think it has to be so perfect. If you are sitting on a blog that you have not published in this world because you're trying to make it perfect, just hit publish. If you are scared to share that first social media post because you're trying to find all the right words, just hit publish. If you are scared to, out loud, commit to the goal that you want in front of other people because you're scared, you won't be able to do it. Just say it. You are not going to hit it out of the ball park probably the first time, and no one is expecting you to. We think that people are, and that's why we're too embarrassed to get started.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


This episode is brought to you by Wild AF.  Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon.  Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand-new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off. 

If you’re sober-curious and going back and forth with alcohol, Karolina would love to support you through the Become Euphoric 4-Month group coaching program. There are two spots available. Make alcohol insignificant and discover a happier, freer life sans alcohol now. 

The waitlist for Become Emboldened is now open. If you’re feeling empowered from taking a break from alcohol for at least 2 months, this 16-week program is for you. Become confident in your alcohol-free identity and unleash your greater purpose. Work with Karolina and an incredible community of like-minded women and create a roadmap to turn your dreams into reality. Starting November. 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

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Karolina Rzadkowolska