Ep 185: Push Past Adversity to Achieve Your Goals & Change Your Story with Ryan Cass


When Ryan Cass was six years old, he made a promise to himself.

After a harrowing night where the police visited his home due to incidents involving alcohol, Ryan was the one who answered the door, shaking like a leaf. That night, he promised himself that when he grew up, he would never do this.

In today’s episode, Ryan talks candidly with Karolina about how he changed the story of systemic alcohol abuse in his family, using this as the driving force to create a different kind of life. Today, he holds a senior management position at Boeing and runs two companies, a nonprofit, a scholarship fund, and is the voice behind the podcast Win Today.

Beautiful, do you want to achieve your goals? Write them down. If you do, you’re 43% more likely to succeed! It’s one of the things that made all the difference for Ryan, and it might help you on your way, too. We don't always get to write all the chapters in our book, but we DO get to control where the story goes.


  • How your experiences can show you what you DON’T want in your life and provide motivation to create something different

  • The common thread between Tony Robbins, Richard Branson and Michael Jordan that made them all so successful

  • Asking not how but who – who has done what you want to do? How can you model them and follow their recipe?

  • The power of writing your goals down and sharing them with people, which can increase your likelihood of success by 43 percent and 70 percent, respectively

  • Creating a system around your goals – plus, the number one motivator above all else, according to Harvard Business Review


Imagine your future self looking back on life. What would you like to have accomplished? And how can you break these accomplishments into smaller goals?

“I remember making a promise to myself, right around the time when I was six, seven years old, after a night that led to the police coming to our home. I was the one answering the door, shaking like a leaf over some things that had just happened because of alcohol. And promising little Ryan, that older Ryan, adult Ryan, is never going to do this. I would never change the story. We don't always get to write all the chapters in the book. But we do get to control where the story goes. And we get to choose our responses. So for me, that's really what has provided the fuel to do all of these things that I get to do now.”  - Ryan Cass

“Just by writing something down, you're 42 to 43 percent more likely to accomplish it. Here's my next favorite stat in the world. Additional studies show that when you share your goals with a group of people, your odds of accomplishing that goal increase to roughly 70 percent. This is the formula to creating this beautiful life that you may desire or envision or you're working towards. Identify what's important to you. What does success look like? And then you write that down. And you share that with a group of people.” - Ryan Cass


Listen to Ryan Cass’s podcast, Win Today, visit his website, follow him on Instagram, learn more about Champion Tribe, and read Go Giver by Bob Burg.

Bet on yourself and join the Become Euphoric 4-Month Group Coaching Program and discover a happier, freer life sans alcohol. The goal of the program is to help you break the cycle of drinking, and in it, Karolina will cover all kinds of strategies to help, from group coaching calls to Karolina’s Masterclass.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

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