Episode 234: Won’t I Be the Odd One Out?!


Our sense of belonging and acceptance has been tied to alcohol for so long.

But you have the power to reshape your life, influence your community, and live with radical fulfillment. There are SO many people in the world who are putting their dreams first and not just living for the weekend to drink.

Who are the five people that you see the most? Do you want their life? Or do you want something bigger, something more, something that isn't so mundane? 

Karolina shares tons of practical tips for transforming your social life and finding new, vibrant communities and friendships that don't revolve around drinking.

We also cover the dangers of perception bias, the psychology behind our need to belong, and how we can become a “wolf” and inspire others to redefine their relationships with alcohol too.

You’re not just ditching a drink—you’re embracing leadership, taking a brave stance, and redefining what belonging truly means! 

Twice a year, the Euphoric community comes together for a 22 day no-alcohol-challenge, and we start our next Dry Bootcamp August 6th! 

For the first time ever, you can join for as low as $59 and learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up for just $59.


  • Flipping the script from being the “odd one out” to becoming an alcohol-free trailblazer in your social circle

  • The powerful concept of perception bias and how it shapes our view of what’s “normal” in drinking culture

  • Karolina’s tips for finding and consciously creating alcohol-free communities online and offline that align with your lifestyle

  • A real-life example of a book club’s transformation when one person took a stand (plus the profound ripple effects it created!)

  • Exciting details about Karolina’s upcoming Dry Bootcamp, where you can transform your relationship with alcohol—all for the price of just three cocktails 


Reflect on the five people you spend the most time with. How do their habits and lifestyles influence your decisions and sense of belonging? Do you feel aligned with their values, or are there aspects you'd like to change?

“You create belonging and meaning everywhere you go with your other affinities and your value system. It is not tied to a beverage in a glass.”- Karolina Rzadkowolska

“If you're doing this alone and everybody drinks around you, you're with the wrong crowd. There's so many people who are living a growth lifestyle, who are putting their dreams first and not just living for the weekend to drink after a crappy week of doing something that isn't fulfilling to them.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol or want to recommit, this program will inspire you to cut subconscious ties to alcohol and meet your needs in healthy ways. Sign up now for just $59!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey. 

Check out the other episodes in this series: Episode 132: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?! And Episode 133: The Myth of Normal Drinking.

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Episode 235: Can You Really Have Fun Without Alcohol?!


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