Episode 191: Stop Making It About Alcohol: How to Shed What’s No Longer Working for You And Step Into Your Brilliance


When you’re debating whether to go alcohol-free, it’s easy to focus on the alcohol itself. 

What about the importance of alcohol in modern culture? What about alcohol in history? Do I want to just take a BREAK from alcohol? When will it be okay to drink again? I have a PSA for those of you who are having this debate with yourself. Here it goes: 

Stop making it about alcohol.

Instead, what if you looked at this as the start of a beautiful journey – to courageously shed what is no longer working for you and step into your brilliance? What if you saw this as a means to shake up your life and develop a new understanding of yourself and what brings you joy? 

You are here because the universe chose you. It’s not about the alcohol – you are simply meant for something much bigger.

This episode is brought to you by Wild AF. Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon.  Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off. Here’s to changing drinking culture one alcohol-free drink at a time.


  • How there is actually no safe amount of alcohol for human consumption – even “moderate” drinking can increase rates of heart disease, cancers, and dementia

  • The strength it takes to remove a negative pattern or behavior and awaken to a higher level of introspection and consciousness

  • How, when you are no longer relying on alcohol to curb boredom, you learn to ask yourself questions like, what gives me joy?

  • Our comfort zones – which are full of pain and are where dreams die – and why it’s so incredibly hard to leave them

  • How to look at courage as a muscle that gets stronger and stronger with the more hard things that you do – plus, the abundance going alcohol-free can bring!

  • Finding purpose and freedom through guidance and coaching in the Become Euphoric program - less than 2 spots are left


When you were a kid, what did you do to curb boredom? What was it about that activity that you enjoyed? Is there a way you can emulate that activity as an adult?

“Our comfort zone is bringing us pain. And why does it bring us pain? It's because your soul knows that you're better than that. It's because your soul knows that you're meant for more. It's because your soul knows that you are meant to do amazing things in your life. And this comfort zone is painful because it's denying that fact.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“It is so typical for women in my community to take this alcohol-free journey and unleash a fire and a power within them that they had never felt before. They are 2.0 versions of themselves, going after what they really want. And they take that courage and they take the confidence of showing up for themselves and not breaking promises and not ruining their self esteem by constantly letting themselves down through alcohol – they take that confidence, and they use it in that new pursuit. They use it to unleash their gift.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


This episode is brought to you by Wild AF.  Their brand new sparkling wine is made from juicy de-alcoholized Chardonnay and Muscat wines with notes of nectarine and lemon.  Check out Wild AF Wine today. Try their brand-new Sparkling White and Sparkling Rosé (with hints of cherry and rhubarb)! Most companies add in a lot of sugar or juice which can make the final product taste like kid’s grape juice, but not Wild AF. Use code EuphoricAF20 at checkout to get 20% off. 

If you’re ready to unleash the 2.0 version of yourself, Karolina would love to support you through the Become Euphoric 4-Month group coaching program. Make alcohol insignificant and discover a happier, freer life sans alcohol!

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram.

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Karolina Rzadkowolska