Episode 225: The Root Cause of Drinking And 3 Steps You Can Take to Fix It


Going alcohol-free is not just a wellness trend, but a revolutionary way to live your BEST life in 2024.

Everyone who drinks has these two things working against them: 

Social conditioning and the power of habits. 

Karolina explains how we grow up in a world that encourages drinking and how we form so many beliefs around it on how it meets our needs. 

In order to change your relationship with alcohol, belief work is the most important first step to change what associations, meanings, and benefits your subconscious brain is assigning to alcohol. 

But the root cause of drinking? This goes much deeper. 

Karolina is sharing the many deep-rooted causes of a complex relationship with alcohol, including why unfulfillment can be the hidden driver behind your drinking habits.

We’ll cover why the brain craves a challenge, belief systems, and the 3 steps to fulfillment (and why it starts with knowing what you actually want).

P.S. Don’t miss a special 3-day LIVE purpose workshop with Karolina May 28th-30th designed to help you rethink your ties to alcohol and unleash your full potential. Register now and you’ll be entered to win fun prizes.


  • Exactly what qualifies as "overdrinking" and why it's so much more pervasive than you think. Spoiler alert: it's not about being an "alcoholic"

  • How society's norms around drinking keep you stuck in old patterns and how to break free to find your true self

  • The magic of rewiring your mindset around fulfillment to shift your life

  • A life-changing purpose meditation to answer the pivotal question: "What do I really want?" Prepare to dive deep!

  • The inside scoop on Karolina’s upcoming “AF Fire” workshop, packed with tools, prizes, and a chance to redefine your life's purpose—starting May 28th!


Let’s reflect on your underlying triggers. What emotions or situations typically lead you to reach for a drink? Is it stress, boredom, social pressure, or something else?

“I believe the root cause of a complicated relationship with alcohol is unfulfillment. And oftentimes, we don't know that's what it is, because until we get enough space away from alcohol, we just see it as stress.”

Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Every new year is a completely new chapter in your life. Every new decade is definitely a new chapter in your life. We change, we evolve. Something that used to give us fulfillment when we were younger can change and pivot. And so now we have to find ‘what is this new source of fulfillment?’ Where do I feel really lit up and passionate today? Fulfillment is something we do as a practice.”

Karolina Rzadkowolska


the role of alcohol in your life. Register and get a free workbook and have the potential to win prizes! 

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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