Episode 226: From Having No Idea on What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up to My Dream Career


What did you want to be when you grew up? 

If you’ve ever fumbled around with this question and felt lost in an endless maze of career choices, you're not alone! 

Karolina is laying it ALL out – diving deep into her personal journey and how she awakened to her much bigger purpose. 

She opens up about her struggles with self-worth during the 2009 recession, leading to an unfulfilling mortgage job, the pursuit of an MBA out of self-doubt, and finally, tapping into her deepest passions of writing, psychology, and coaching. 

This episode explores the evolving nature of passions, the importance of compassion when shifting paths, and the thrill of turning creative side projects into a thriving career.

If you’re ready to design a life that’s meaningful, Karolina will reveal the steps to recalibrate your work life and align it with your highest self.


  • How Karolina's intuition and intentionality transformed her unfulfilling job into a coaching career that makes a profound impact

  • A deep dive into self-belief and creativity—and how you can harness your passions to build a 6-figure business

  • How to wrestle with the big question of "what do I want to be when I grow up?" Hint: It’s okay if you still feel a little lost

  • Changing your beliefs when you’re convinced that the “thing” you want to do won’t work or won’t make you enough money

  • Karolina’s switch to an alcohol-free lifestyle and why she believes it’s THE key to unleashing your true potential and finding deeper purpose


Think back to your childhood dreams. How do your current passions align with your current career, and what steps can you take to incorporate more of what you truly love into your day-to-day work?

“It's a beautiful thing to show yourself that what was once aligned in your life doesn't mean it's always going to be aligned. You're allowed to change as a person, and that means you're also allowed to change your passions and what you want to work on.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Have you allowed yourself to change and pivot? Are you doing something that seems really practical to you, but that you don't really love? Do you find yourself yearning for more creative expression in your life? Do you find yourself yearning to try some of these things, like writing a book, or a business or a podcast, but you're just so scared about how to make money with it? You're in the right place, because these are the exact same questions I had. But I promise you, there's an answer to all of them.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Become Emboldened is now open for enrollment! Claim your spot in Karolina’s signature 4-month incubator program for alcohol-free women to achieve their biggest dreams. The first coaching call is on June 11th. Claim your Spot

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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