Episode 229: Have the Best Alcohol-Free Summer Ever (Inspired by Europe)


Are you ready to make this summer unforgettable without a drop of alcohol?

Karolina is sharing all of her juiciest secrets so you can have a summer filled with pleasure, joy, wonder, and adventure.

Reawaken your inner child by swimming to a waterfall, stargazing on a camping trip, or indulging in sensory experiences with food.

Who knew that a simple skincare routine and reconnecting with nature could feel so good?

Hear how little joys like seasonal fruits, outdoor picnics, sunshine, and functional beverages can bring fun and dopamine into your day.

You’ll also get a sneak peek into some of Karolina’s upcoming travel adventures to Spain, France, and Italy and how she infuses European traditions (like sauna and cold plunging) into her trips.

Let’s make this the hottest most empowering summer yet, without a drop of alcohol!


  • The juiciest pleasures you can put into your summertime to feel wonder, awe, pleasure, and fulfillment

  • Why Gen Z is trading alcohol for skincare 

  • How to awaken your inner child through outdoor activities like swimming, camping, and stargazing

  • Karolina’s inspiring road trip stories from Barcelona to Zurich and California to Colorado

  • European secrets to a healthier lifestyle, including the benefits of saunas, cold plunges, and the finest skincare products

  • Karolina's transformative journey from a stressed 9-5er, reliant on weekend drinks, to her life now as a flourishing entrepreneur and world traveler


In what ways has alcohol influenced your ability to experience joy and pleasure? How can you reconnect with your inner child and the simple joys you once loved?

“When you remove alcohol and you really, truly allow yourself to have these beautiful experiences, you feel more joy, you feel more pleasure, you feel more sensuality, you feel more of that wonder and awe and adventure, and you kind of reconnect to that spirit of being a child.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska

“Summer is a time to get outside. Summer is a time to get into nature. So whether you plan a camping trip or you plan some hikes on your schedule, I really encourage you to reconnect with nature, especially when you're not drinking. When you're alcohol free, there's a special bond I really do believe you can have with nature and how it makes you feel, and how much more restored and peaceful you can be.” - Karolina Rzadkowolska


Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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