Episode 230: A Psychotherapist Bares it All - Body Image, Alcohol, and The One Thing That Can Heal It with Jane Ballard


Karolina is sitting down with the incredible psychotherapist Jane Ballard to uncover your burning questions around purpose, body image, mental health, and the ripple effect of alcohol on our lives. 

These are the top challenges women face every single day behind closed doors.

But having purpose can be our lifeline and quite literally extend our lives, while adding depths of fulfillment and happiness.

We’ll dig into ALL the practical strategies for cultivating mindfulness, and why you don’t actually need to do 2 hours of spiritual practices a day to get there!

Plus, we’ll cover Jane’s philosophy around self-compassion when it comes to our body image, and how to go from craving “fun foods” to a lifestyle of intuitive eating. 

If you’ve been questioning your habits, Jane offers some of the BEST reframes on mindfulness. 

Jane allows us to challenge ourselves to cultivate kindness and truly "remember to remember" the preciousness of our one beautiful life, so we can extract meaning and joy from every corner.


  • How to tap into your inner reservoir of calm with practical rituals like meditation and yoga

  • Jane’s heartfelt philosophy on body image and how to shift from self-criticism to body neutrality and gratitude

  • The life-changing magic of purpose and why the mantra "remember to remember" can  guide us to appreciate life fully and steer clear from living life on autopilot

  • The inside scoop on Jane’s views on alcohol and our potential

  • Jane’s favorite books that have shaped and supported her spiritual journey


Take a moment to reflect on how you perceive your body. Can you identify areas where you feel self-critical? How can you shift your focus to body neutrality and practice gratitude?

“I kind of had this epiphany moment where I realized that I need to quit drinking. I don't know exactly why or what this is going to look like, but if I remove alcohol from my life, I'm going to find a new sense of satisfaction and purpose in this life and a deeper spiritual connection than I would otherwise. If I keep alcohol in my life, I think I'm going to hit a ceiling and never really fully reach my full potential.” -  Jane Ballard

“I don't know that any human can fully develop every bit of potential and every gift that they've been given if they're putting in a substance that causes continual setbacks, even if it's to a minor degree where it's impacting sleep and energy level, and your mood to some degree – just slows you down.” -  Jane Ballard


Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

Learn more about Jane on her website and Instagram

Check out Jane’s book recommendations: Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Thomas Lynch, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, and The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.  

Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.


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