Ep 122: Become Emboldened - Possibility Awaits


It’s time to do the deeper work and DISCOVER, OWN, and CLAIM your deeper dreams and goals! 

Ditching alcohol has never really been about the beverage. It is about discovering who you are underneath the limiting beliefs and fears you are living in. So much possibility is available to you and in today’s episode, Karolina gives you a glimpse into her story and the journey you can embark on in Become Emboldened, a 16-week group coaching program where you’ll unleash confidence in your alcohol-free identity, foster deeper relationships, build emotional resilience, and unleash your greater purpose. Feel empowered to dig deeper into who you are and who you want to really be in this world, and go after that! The program starts on May 30th, so don’t miss this incredible opportunity.

More than just a habit

In our society, we are literally raised with the normalization of drinking. We are taught that teens start drinking in high school, they party through college, and maybe when they’re older they switch to classier drinks like a glass of wine or a fancy whiskey. We are constantly bombarded by messages that glamorize alcohol.

It’s no wonder then that drinking becomes a routine habit. But there are so many discoveries we can make about ourselves when we ditch alcohol and begin exploring the big, beautiful possibilities that can exist in our lives.

I remember when I realized that drinking for me was actually a way of holding myself back from going after my biggest dreams. If I quit drinking, I would no longer have an excuse to not go after the life I really wanted. Alcohol kept me from facing my fear of pursuing something unknown and unfamiliar.

It was these underlying realizations that enabled me to shift and become the truest version of myself. And you can too. Yes, it starts with ditching alcohol, but it leads to so much more.

Envision the boldest, most authentic version of you, and become that

Fear is often a huge reason people drink. It might be fear of failure, fear of success, fear that we're not good enough, fear of being unlovable. This is why becoming alcohol-free has so much less to do with just ditching a beverage!

When we actually go to a deeper level, beyond just stopping a habit, it opens the door for discovering your identity and feeling empowered, especially when you have a tribe of amazing women around you that are rooting for you.

Imagine getting clarity on where your struggle with self-worth comes from. 

What if you realize that you’re afraid of failure because you worry about disappointing those you love? That knowledge gives you the power to overcome it, which then leads to your emboldened and expressive identity.

Take a moment and envision this bigger version of you. The version that really believes you matter, that your creativity and expression and desires have value. I want you to believe deep down that you are worthy and deserving of love, abundance, and success. 

Teaching your brain a different way

When you stop drinking, your brain gets scrambled. It gets confused because it was under the impression that you were a drinker. Your brain creates patterns, expects certain actions, and then suddenly the script is flipped. This is a powerful opportunity!

When you change your relationship with alcohol, your brain starts to realize that other changes are possible too. You begin to believe at a biological level that patterns and belief systems can be re-written. We can become whoever we dream of being. How beautiful is that?!

I grew up being one of the shyest people I knew. I'm so introverted. I need so much “me time”!  I love talking with people but I am truly an introvert to my bones. I never in my life imagined that I would speak in front of groups of people on a regular basis, that I would lead trainings, write a book, or even host a podcast.

Changing your relationship with alcohol unlocks the door to living the most emboldened version of yourself because it teaches your brain that change and transformation is possible!

You deserve to feel amazing.

You deserve success.

This is your key towards your greatest sense of fulfillment on this journey.

Join the program today to unleash this confidence and your greater purpose. 

“When I changed my relationship with alcohol, my brain got scrambled. And I leveraged it. And I leveraged it to change all those other stories into new empowering emboldened ones. And I want to teach you how to do the same.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


If you already have at least 2-months alcohol-free, Karolina’s group coaching program Become Emboldened is perfect to help become confident in your alcohol-free identity and unleash your greater purpose. Included in this 16 week program are 3 group coaching calls per month with other incredible women, special guest speakers, and a robust curriculum to guide you in your journey! Additionally Karolina includes a bonus one-on-one coaching call with her and access to three masterclasses: How to Write a Book, How to Launch a Business, and How to Attract Wealth! Reach out to hi@euphoricaf.com if you have any questions.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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