Ep 121: Listening to Your Desires is the Key to Your Purpose


Removing alcohol from your life is only the beginning of unlocking your journey of growth and possibility. Have you ever asked yourself what you really want in life?

We’re told not to dream big, that having desires is selfish, and to be grateful for what we have. But in today’s episode of Euphoric The Podcast, Karolina encourages you to discover your deeper purpose and to go after it, no matter how crazy it might seem. She shares her own story of working in a cubicle from 9-5 to now running her own company, securing a book deal and speaking gigs around the world, and jet setting across Europe for the summer. Don’t let that inner voice of doubt or ego hold you back any longer. Just imagine the possibilities!

Discovering what you really want

It is so crazy what happens when you remove alcohol and really keep going in your growth journey. You welcome the question, “what is next?”

Where are you going to find fulfillment? What do you really want? 

Seriously - it's such a simple question, yet so many people live their lives having NO idea what they want!

Even before embarking on my alcohol-free journey, I had a sense that writing, having an impact, and freedom were high on my values list, but I had no idea how those values could actually become something tangible. At that time, I could never have even imagined writing a book! It felt so intangible to me. Instead of looking at the options and leaning into the possibilities, I just went along with the flow of my life, hoping purpose would find me.

That purpose though, was always inside of me. Those desires were always there, but they were hidden and silenced. 

Society teaches us that it’s selfish, greedy, or wrong to have desires. We've been taught that if our life is “good enough”, we shouldn't want more. But when I let go of society’s expectations and began honing in on my values, it led to a wealth of possibilities!

Letting myself get still and curious about my desires was the catalyst to launching my business, leaving my day job, writing my book, and living a completely different life than the one I was before.

This possibility is not unique to me, though. You too, have purpose, deep desires, and the ability to bring those dreams to life. 

From ditching alcohol to transforming your life.

Did you know you can leverage the journey of going alcohol-free to go after anything you want? The confidence you gain in your alcohol-free lifestyle is like magic. It spills over into other areas of your life.

I know, I know. It almost sounds too good to be true. 

But changing your relationship with alcohol teaches you a brand new way of engaging with yourself and showing up in the world. You can take the skills and tools of becoming alcohol-free and transfer them to other areas of your life.

The growth process is about determining what you want, letting go of the beliefs that say you can't have it, and shifting your thoughts so you can go after new things. This applies to being alcohol-free, as well as living your life’s purpose.

Harness the courage you build in your alcohol-free journey and use it as you go on to your next big thing! And if you’re wondering how to even start, be sure you’re signed up for the ongoing five day workshop from May 16-20, 2022: Ditch Alcohol and Discover Your Purpose. You’ll learn how changing your relationship with alcohol prepares you to go after your bigger dreams.

Rewriting your beyond limiting beliefs

Have you ever noticed your inner critic deterring you from dreaming big? When we imagine what else could be possible, we are met with the narratives and limiting beliefs that challenge our dream:

“That’s not realistic.”

“Who do you think you are?”

My entire life I wanted to write a book. It was my lifelong dream. When I was older and working my 9 to 5 desk job, the thoughts would flood in and I inevitably got stuck in the same narrative:

“Writing doesn’t make money.” 

“A book can’t pay the bills.”

The truth? I didn’t need to make money off of a book. I was making money at my day job. What this belief really did was keep me in a fixed mindset. It held me back from doing the hard thing of writing a book.

The alcohol-free journey is beautiful. It creates opportunities to challenge belief systems. And these same principles can help you overcome limiting beliefs in other areas of your life. This means you already have the power to completely transform your life and rewrite the narratives that hold you back from living out your desires and purpose!

I’ll leave you with this, beautiful. Making growth one of your top priorities in your life will serve you for the rest of your life.

“Changing your relationship with alcohol is just a spiritual metaphor. It's this one little microcosm where you're able to apply principles of personal growth and courage and learning about yourself and what you really need in a way that will translate to other areas in your life.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


It’s not too late to join. Karolina invites you to a NEW and FREE five day workshop from May 16-20, 2022: Ditch Alcohol and Discover Your Purpose. Learn how changing your relationship with alcohol prepares you to go after bigger dreams! Hone in on how this one shift is a catalyst for any new identity.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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