Ep 183: Here’s Your Permission to Start Your Career Over and Create a Life You Dream Of with Chelsea Turgeon


You can start your career over. The hardest part? Giving yourself permission to do so.

So many people have this idea that they’re in too deep. They’ve invested too much time or schooling into something, and that it’s too late to start over. In this episode, Karolina talks with Chelsea Turgeon about how she pivoted from one of those professions most never pivot from – (a doctor!) – to start her own 6-figure business that allows her to travel the world.

Chelsea has been on the show before, but Karolina is bringing her back to share her personal journey. Even more fun is this episode was recorded in Norway where they’re traveling together! Chelsea talks about the sunk-cost fallacy, the future of the job industry, and the power of salvaging - not the past, but the future. 

Beautiful, there are so many “shoulds” in this life. You should have a white picket fence. You should have alcohol, because that’s what normal adults drink. You should be employed by a “stable” employer. But what’s more secure than owning your own financial independence?


  • The sunk-cost fallacy, in which people are reluctant to abandon their careers because they’ve invested too much – and Chelsea’s better way to approach it

  • Chelsea’s inspirational story: leaving her career as a doctor, buying a one-way ticket to South Korea, and launching her coaching business helping people find their dream careers

  • Ways in which we normalize misery, and having the intentionality to step outside of that and ask some bigger questions like: why are we doing this?

  • How to use what you’re currently doing to leverage time (and money) to start your new passions, plus the fallacy of “job security”

  • The future of jobs, and how many won’t be recognizable to us today due to technology – and the importance of updating our thinking about what’s possible

  • Tips and tricks to cover the cost of travel, from renting your house to staying in a place longer than a few days


Do you dream of traveling more? What are the things that are holding you back? Are there ways you can leverage what you have to make traveling more possible?

“We think we're being so logical when we're making some of these decisions, but really, we're not. One of the things that people are trying to do is salvage their degree or their work experience, salvage these things at all costs. But the way I tried to reframe it is, what if you stop trying to salvage the past and start trying to salvage your future?” - Chelsea Turgeon

“We have this very limited, narrow idea of, what are jobs? What are careers? What can you make money doing? And so it's just breaking all of that down and being like, okay, really the way money comes in is putting out value. And then you start to think about, how would I love to put value into the world? How would I love to help people? What are the ways that I can use my gifts, use my experience, use my talents, and then in return, receive money for that?” - Chelsea Turgeon


Listen to Chelsea’s podcast, Life After Medicine, which is about creating a fulfilling life outside the box, and check out her website and Instagram.

The waitlist for Become Emboldened is now open! If you’re feeling empowered from taking a break from alcohol for at least 2 months, this 16-week program is for you. Become confident in your alcohol-free identity and unleash your greater purpose. Work with Karolina and an incredible community of like-minded women and create a roadmap to turn your dreams into reality.

Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

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