Ep 72 The Impact of Astrology on Your Journey with Natha Campanella

Episode 72 Natha Campanella.jpg

Join Karolina as she and Natha Campanella discuss astrology, alcohol free living, and the synergy between the two. Also learn how to apply astrology basics to your life, creating clarity and growth.

Natha is a world renowned professional astrologer. She works one-on-one with clients helping them get clarity on where they are and where they want to go. Going alcohol free in 2016 led to deep transformational work in her life that she now uses to help clients in their journeys.

Clearing your mind as a conduit for helping others.

Natha was working as a life coach when she began noticing blocks and hindrances within herself. One of these was alcohol, so in 2016 she made a conscious decision to go alcohol-free.

Choosing this path revealed unresolved emotions and unsupportive belief systems. Natha has worked fiercely, healing old wounds and rewriting old narratives. She welcomed emotions, feeling into their intensity with curiosity and gratitude. The outcome has been a deeper connection with self, and subsequently her clients. 

Are there areas in your life that feel incongruent? By noticing where we feel out of alignment, and shifting them to align with our values and integrity, the end result is a deeper connection to self. This depth is unquestionably linked to the connection you are then able to experience with others.

Unlocking yourself through astrology.

Astrology is a beautiful tool that opens up an even deeper understanding of yourself, the world, and the way you present yourself. If you are new to astrology, it is helpful to learn the basics. There are 12 astrological signs and each of these falls into one of four elements:  Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. These elements have different focuses and meanings.

Water: Emotions, intuition, fluidity

Earth: Logic, justice, rules

Fire: Energy, action, drive

Air: Intellect, perception

Astrology readings are made up of two basic parts as it relates to your life. The first is your Natal Chart. This is a map of where all the stars and planets were at the exact moment you were born. The second is where the stars and plants are in real time, present day. There are three primary signs of your Natal Chart - your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign.

Unearthing your Natal chart prompts you in understanding choices you’ve made in the past and the unique struggles and limiting beliefs you hold. You will also identify survival tools you have used to navigate life. Alcohol is a very common coping strategy, while also being unique to each person.

Diving into astrology and your signs helps you eliminate coping strategies that no longer serve you. Doing so comes with feeling and experiencing uncomfortable and challenging emotions, but with a powerful outcome. You will awaken new pathways for growth and consciousness, which can result in a transformed life as you press into those enlightenments.

Applying Astrology to your day-to-day life.

The sun and moon have been and continue to be powerful symbols in human history. In astrology, the stages of the moon represent different stages of releasing and replenishing, letting go of and bringing into.

During a full moon, the sun and the moon are in opposite signs. In astrology this is known as opposition. When it's a full moon, because the signs are across from each other in the sky, there is likely a sense of opposition in your life. You may feel out of balance, or an internal tug of war. Looking at what signs the sun and moon are in during a full moon will impart clarity on what areas to look at with curiosity.

For example, if the sun is in Taurus which is about comfort, then during opposition, the moon is in Scorpio which is about chaos and deep feelings. A release during this full moon could mean getting curious about where in your life you feel discord or out of control, and where you might be clinging to comfort. Ask yourself why this may be happening, and dig into it.

During a new moon, the sun and the moon are in the same sign. This is called a conjunction and evokes a stronger energy. In these seasons, look at the themes of that sign and focus your work and energy there.

You can use astrology in a way that brings focus, clarity, and intention to your life. In Natha’s words, “imagine that you're standing in the middle of a valley, looking around, you can only see so much. When you're standing at the top of a mountain and you're looking down into the valley, you get a completely different view. That's what astrology can give to you. It’s something to help you see more about yourself than you have been able to see.

“If we don't have the contrast of the suffering or the pain, we don't really appreciate so much when life awakens, and we blossom into ourselves… The hero's journey is to come home to yourself and really become self aware. And we can't do that without the challenges to become self aware.”


Natha Campanella Website

Natha’s Instagram

Natha’s Free Astrology Guide and Sun Guide

The Inner Sky by: Stephen Forrest

Spiritual Astrology by: Jane Spiller

How To Take A Month Off and Feel Amazing - Free Guide

Follow Euphoric Alcohol-Free on Instagram

If you’re ready to unlock a new level of amazing in your life, get curious and explore what incredible mindset shifts a break from alcohol can bring. Join the FREE 5 Day Restart to change your thinking around alcohol so you can uplevel your entire life. 

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